The power of one

I get discouraged easily.

When I get excited about doing something new, I start out strong…

But with time (not a very long time) my enthusiasm fizzles, and I’m back to square one.

It’s happened when I tried to read a book a week, when I attempted to write 750 words every morning, when I tried to cut out all sugar in one shot…

I’ve started and stopped so many things.

I imagine you have too.

If you’ve ever tried to go plant-based, get to the gym three times a week, or meditate every morning, you probably know exactly what I mean.

The problem is that each one of these things is too big, they’re too much.

Maybe they’re where we want to end up, but they’re not where we should start.

What about doing just one thing?

How about, instead of changing your diet overnight, you made just one plant-based meal a week, or a month, or – even smaller – just incorporated one extra/new veggie?

Or how about going to the gym one time a week instead of three times, or – even smaller – doing just one minute of exercise, or one repetition of one exercise?

Or have you thought about meditating for just one minute one time a week?

Like I was, you might be thinking that these things are way too small to make a difference, right?

Not according to the science.

When you go small, and set a goal that you know you can achieve, you’re not only much more likely to do it, you’re also much more likely to keep doing it.

And when you keep doing something, and you begin to like it, you end up doing more of it.

And guess what?

It becomes a habit.

Said in a more mathematical way (if you happen to like numbers like I do)…

If you’re starting at zero, and you do just one of something, you’re doing infinitely more of that something than you were before.

Doesn’t that blow your mind?

That’s why one is so powerful.

Leverage the power of one for anything you want to begin doing.

Break down a bigger goal into it’s smallest, easiest form, and just begin doing that one thing.

And then keep doing it.

Once a month, once a week, once a day.

You choose.

What one thing are you ready to begin doing?

For me, thanks to one of my daughters, I’ve been writing every day in January.

She gave me the “5-Minute Journal” for Christmas, and I absolutely love it.

It’s a lot simpler than trying to write 750 words every single day, and thanks to its lay out, the few words I do write are meaningful.

And that’s also why this blog post is shorter than usual.

Because I’m learning that things don’t have to be as big and daunting as I make them out to be.

They can be short, they can be sweet, and they can become great habits.

Keep moving forward my friend,


P.S. As I’m talking about the power of one, I’m looking for just one volunteer who would like to try out life coaching.

It’s absolutely free, and it would be a real help to me as I’m working on my certificate in coaching at Concordia.

Let me know if you or someone you know is interested by replying to this email or texting me at 514-445-6434.


2 Replies to “The power of one”

  1. Loved it! You always write amazing stuff Debbie:) I have enjoyed all your blogs. You are a real inspiration person:)
    Thanks n keep em coming:))

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