The Four Hormones Every Woman Should Know About

If you’re a woman who’s over 40, and noticing a change in your shape (namely extra folds in your mid-section), then you need to know about four particular hormones.

These hormones work great together together when everything’s in balance.

But when you head into perimenopause and through menopause, and things become unbalanced, these four hormones will play a big role in how and where you gain fat.

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Age Better with a Strong CORE

There’s a lot of talk about the importance of having a strong core, especially as we age.

And maybe that’s a little worrying as you may not currently be the proud owner of a well chiseled 6-pack.

Luckily, you don’t need that kind of definition to have a strong core.

And, in fact, your core goes a lot deeper (and wider) than those superficial bumps.

Click here to download the video “10-Minute Core Yoga”
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Finding the WHY that drives you

When was the last time you had 6 months where your calendar was totally free – nothing to do, no one to take care of, and nowhere to be? 

I bet you were 2.  Or maybe 3?

I don’t remember if I ever had that kind of time.

And it’s not realistic to expect that you or me will have time like that anytime soon.

Except when we kick the bucket… But let’s stick to the positive 🙂

So, seeing that you’re alive, you’ve probably got plans over your next 6 months.

Continue reading “Finding the WHY that drives you”

How simple PLANNING can reduce your waistline

I have a client that wants to lose 10 inches around her waist.

She not only wants to lose it, she’s PLANNING on losing it.

And she’ll get there, I know she will.

Because she’s got a PLAN around food that she created, and that she knows she can stick to.

She’s planned out the answers to questions she knows will inevitably come up like:

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