Self-love and “Women, Food, and God”

If you haven’t yet read any of Geneen Roth’s work, I really suggest you do.

In particular, her book “Women, Food, and God” is a gem.

And if weight loss doesn’t concern you, read it with whatever it is you DO want in mind.

Because she talks about what we put ourselves through to get the things we really want.

The things that consume us.

And in turn, what we consume to deal with the emotions of not having what we want.

It’s about this vicious cycle, this treadmill of self-torture so to speak.

But what I love about Geneen’s book, is that it’s really a love story.

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How STRESS causes belly fat (and what you can do about it)

This is a big topic.

But it’s an important one, especially if you’re in perimenopause or menopause.

Not only in relation to belly fat.

Stress, I believe, is the major factor behind many of the issues you may be experiencing at this time of your life.

So, buckle up, here we go!

We have hormones.

All of us.

And we all need them, because hormones take care of all our bodily functions, and even affect our mood.

And when your hormones are in a good balance, life is great!

You feel good physically, and emotionally.

But when they’re imbalanced… Well, it’s probably best to stay out of your way.

So what causes hormones to become imbalanced?

Continue reading “How STRESS causes belly fat (and what you can do about it)”