How to plan what, when, and how to eat to lose belly fat

Do you know what’s for dinner tonight?

If you don’t yet know, then this post is especially for you.

If you want to lose belly fat, or any fat, or just move your health needle a little closer to GREAT HEALTH, I believe this is the number one thing to do:

Plan exactly when, what, and how to eat.

Now, you may be rolling your eyes at me right now.

Continue reading “How to plan what, when, and how to eat to lose belly fat”

How to start your day motivated

How do you start your day?

If you’re trying to adopt a new habit, or get rid of an old one, how you start your day can actually make a huge difference to your success.

What I’m talking about is a morning routine.

But by routine, I don’t mean brushing your teeth, showering, and eating breakfast.

What I mean is a routine that you can do first thing in the morning, that gets you on track for what you WANT to get done in your day.

Continue reading “How to start your day motivated”