5 Short and Simple Workouts for Busy Women

I love what I do.

I may have mentioned that before.

But it’s true.

I get to coach some very accomplished, busy, hard-working women.

They’re great at what they do.

And they demand a lot of themselves.

So, when they begin to work with me, and I’m not all about “go big or go home”, they are skeptical.

Especially when it comes to exercise.

It feels like exercise should be all out, and all the time, in order to see results.

But it’s not true.

In fact, I know that kind of thinking often leads to doing LESS rather than more.

And when it comes to weight-loss in mid-life, more and harder isn’t always helpful.

So, I challenge my clients to come up with simple and creative ways of getting exercise in on the daily.

Here are some of the ideas that they’ve had success with:

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To be thin…

Being thin can seem like the Holy Grail when you have weight to lose.

But it’s not.

It’s similar to thinking being rich will solve all your problems.

Sure, it’s nice.

But being rich or thin aren’t the huge answers to life that we sometimes imagine them to be.

Also, I don’t love the word thin.

I’d much rather the words fit or healthy.

Because thin doesn’t automatically equate to “fit” or “healthy.”

Continue reading “To be thin…”

Personal Trainer versus Life Coach

Before becoming a life coach, I was a personal trainer.

And I loved personal training.

I would work with my clients, in their homes, giving them effective workouts in line with their physical goals.

For most, it was weight loss.

As their trainer, I’d support them, encourage them, and teach them how to do each exercise correctly.

And I’d help them stay accountable for getting their workouts done.

Which was great.

And personal training can definitely be an important part of your fitness journey.


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