Webinar: Belly Fat to Belly Fit – Coming Feb 17th!

I’m really excited to bring you this free webinar!

It’s this coming Wednesday, February 17th, at 12pm, and it’s officially called:

Belly Fat to Belly Fit: How to lose belly fat, balance your hormones, and feel better in perimenopause and beyond

I know that title’s a mouthful.

But I wanted to get it all in there.

I’m focusing on belly fat because waist measurement is one of the simplest and best measures of your health.

And it’s very much related to your changing hormones and how you feel in your body.

And so, if you reduce belly fat, you can improve your health, and at the same time, positively affect your other perimenopause issues, as well as feel a whole lot better in your body.

When I talk about belly fat, I mean the fat that hangs over your waistband.

You might know it.

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