How to put yourself first while caring for everyone else

As you may already know, midlife can be challenging.

Not only are your bodies and emotions undergoing upheaval thanks to your changing hormones, but you may also find yourself juggling multiple responsibilities, from taking care of children (even adult children) and aging parents, to managing careers and households.

Never in history have women been so over-burdened, and yet have so much agency over our lives.

Despite being able to decide for ourselves, we continue to carry the load, and are often reluctant to ask for help.

Too many of us are out of balance and exhausted.

The only way for you to restore balance and gain strength is to finally give in to taking care of your needs.

What are your needs?

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5 refreshing (and non-boozy) drinks to enjoy guilt-free this summer

Summer is pretty much here, and those fruity cocktails are calling!

But, if alcohol is making sleep more challenging or your migraines or hot flashes flare up, you may want to be considering alternatives for your favorite sangrias, rosées, and long island iced teas.

So, I’m sharing a few fun options here, and bonus is they’re also no-sugar-added, which is also great news for your belly.

Happy sipping!

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How to eat to stay energized in midlife

Are you feeling less than energetic these days?

Maybe you notice you’re more tired, or lethargic, or even exhausted?

It’s not just because you’re getting older, I promise.

Aside from all the things you’re juggling, what you’re eating may be the culprit.

When you’re in perimenopause and menopause, your hormones are changing, and like it or not, that takes up a good amount of your energy.

So, if you want to increase your energy up and make this hormone shift smoother, consider the foods your’re choosing

Choose foods that give you energy rather than zap your energy.

To help you out, here are some energizing food tips that are known to keep you energized in midlife:

Continue reading “How to eat to stay energized in midlife”