Finding your calm during a pandemic

I actually wrote this post a couple of years ago.

But I think it’s particularly useful in this moment.

Because I wrote it at a time when I was personally experiencing a lot of anxiety, and someone close to me had just had an anxiety attack.

Now, collectively, we’re experiencing a time of uncertainty and that’s causing a lot of anxiety.

And anxiety it’s important to acknowledge that anxiety is a normal human feeling.

It’s not something we can get rid of.

But it is something we can bring awareness to, and actually address using simple, calm ideas.

So, here’s the post I wrote, with some minor changes:

The way I deal with life’s challenges:  I run away from them

Actually I really do, but maybe not in the way it sounds.

When I’m stressed, when I’m faced with difficult decisions, or when life just feels heavy, I’ve learned that going outside for run or walk lightens my load and uplifts me.

Running from my problems makes them seem smaller.

I don’t know why exactly this is.

Maybe it’s the endorphins from the cardio, or focusing on something else other than the issue, or the perspective of the vastness of the outdoor space that I’m running in.

It’s probably all the above.

All I know is that running outside works for me.

The reason I bring this up is that someone very close to me suffered a severe panic attack recently.

And we had to call an ambulance.

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