Why the pandemic should be happening

It’s crazy.

Yes, this month has been crazy.

But what’s really crazy is how hard we are on ourselves.

I’ve just been reflecting on this.

Like you, I’ve been home a whole lot these past weeks and I realize how crazy some of my thoughts are.

I mean, feeling guilty for not being a healthcare worker.

And feeling like I’m a failure because I’m home, not working, not renovating my kitchen, and not learning a third language.

Why do I put these illogical pressures on myself?

Where should I be in my life exactly?

Well, I know there’s only one answer.

Right here.

Right now.

At home, during this pandemic.

I know this is where I should be, because this is where I am.

I can only be where I am.

Sounds like the book by mindfulness teacher Jon Kabat-Zinn, “Wherever You Go, There You Are.”

But it makes sense, doesn’t it?

I mean, for some reason I (and I mean “we”) think that life should unfold in a certain way.

And when it doesn’t, I’m like “This shouldn’t be happening.”

But it is happening.

And I’m spending my time denying what’s real in this moment.

The fact is, this whole thing should be happening. 

How do I know that?

Because it is.

Losing a job, losing a friend, losing my health, losing my youth.

It all happens.

The bad and the ugly happen, as well as the good.

I know that by now – half way into life (give or take) – because the stuff I don’t like is equally part of life.

Rainbows and butterflies do happen, and I love it when they do, but they’re not the every day.

And I see how important it is to realize that at a time like now.

Because a big part of life is sloppy and messy.

It’s supposed to be, even if I don’t want it to be.

There’s disease, anxiety, depression, melt downs, crying, loss, sadness, as well as joy, excitement, fun, laughter, and balloons.

There’s all of it in life.

But it’s important that life is like that.

Because we arrive at joy as result of going through the tough stuff.

I went through child birth twice to have my daughters; I learned to be a yoga teacher because I was an injured runner; I met (and am still with) a great guy after a bad relationship ended; I pursued fitness and coaching because of the death of my mom.

To get to the good, we’ve got to be willing to get through the bad.

And accept that the stuff we don’t want is actually necessary for our own growth.

The pandemic is happening.

It’s something outside of our control that we didn’t want.

But it’s here for our own growth.

How will it make you grow?

Keep moving forward and beyond,


P.S. Tonight, at 7:30pm EDT, I’m teaching a free online Yoga class on Zoom. If you’d like to join me, I’d love to have you there. Just bring your yoga mat, a block or cushion, and a rolled up towel.

Here’s the link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/234366115?pwd=OEczZmlqMFoydzJYcFFsbUhweVhhZz09

See you there!

12 Replies to “Why the pandemic should be happening”

  1. I agree with you a 100% Debbie. I always do actually. Lol. Thanks. It was a great read. It always is. Just what I needed to read. A reminder.

    1. Thanks Caroline, glad it was what you needed to read as much as it was what I needed to write.

  2. Debbie, this is what I NEEDED to read right at this moment. It is a true and honest perspective that reminds us what life is and meant to be. See you at yoga tonight.

    1. Thanks Vicki, it helped me to write the words, I needed the perspective too. See you at yoga!

  3. Thank you Debbie!
    You have nooooo idea how much I needed to read this message right at this very moment! Let’s just say, it’s been one of those days and I was literally in tears about 15 minutes ago. I was feeling completely overwhelmed by so much.
    Your words have just given me the boost I needed to shake me out of these negative feelings, and given me the strength to face the obstacles that have been building up and coming to a head today!
    You always seem to have words of wisdom . Thanks again for taking the time to write those words down today.
    Namaste 🙏🏻
    Be well,
    Kelly Marsden

    1. Thanks Kelly, I wrote what I did because it feels sometimes in this isolation, we’re alone. You’re not alone, Kelly. So many of us are feeling these feelings right now. We’re all together in this. Namaste.

  4. Amen! As another 1/2 way ish through lifer, I have learned the same thing. Never easy to walk through but the benefits later can be so worth it. I’m who I am today BECAUSE of the tough stuff I’ve gone through and I shudder to think of who I’d be if everything had gone my way. Hang in there! Hope you have a great class tonight!

    1. Thanks Rena! I love that you see the beauty in the difficulties you’ve been through. That definitely inspires me.

  5. Debbie, I always love your Blogs. I agree with you, life happens and you just have to keep going forward. Thank you for your inspirational words.

    1. Thanks Carol, I appreciate the comments and we’ll keep moving forward together 🙂

  6. Thanks for the message Debbie. We are all dealing with this in our own way and I appreciate your perspective.
    Thank you also for the weekly yoga and your engagement in our physical and mental wellbeing.

    1. Thanks Brenda, it’s important to find our own way through this as you said, and I’m so glad to have you in my yoga community 🙂

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