Stop playing “GOOD” food, “BAD” food

“I was so GOOD yesterday, I didn’t eat…”

“It was a BAD day, I ate…”

“I bought only GOOD foods this week.”

“There was only crap (BAD) food at the party.”

We have a GOOD and BAD relationship with food.

We label foods as GOOD or BAD.

But we also tend to label ourselves as GOOD or BAD for eating, or not eating, those foods.

What if foods weren’t GOOD or BAD?

Continue reading “Stop playing “GOOD” food, “BAD” food”

Who are your 5 people?

Ever heard this Jim Rohn quote: “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with”?

When I first heard this, it really opened my eyes.

I saw the truth in it.

Years ago I noticed that my energy was low, and I was stuggling to accomplish what I really wanted.

And a big part of that was that I was surrounded by people with who weren’t supportive or who didn’t understand what I wanted.

Continue reading “Who are your 5 people?”