The Courage to Be Disliked


If so, you’re not alone.

So many of us suffer from this “disease to please.”

And it can (and usually does) have a negative impact on your own self-care.

It can dictate whether you get out to exercise today.

It can allow others to control your schedule.

It can cause you to feel unhappy, and feel trapped.

And it can, of course, lead you to eat, or pick up other unhealthy habits to feel better.

Yet it seems like the right thing to do, right?

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Keep Calm… and Change Your Life


I realize that since I learned to calm myself years ago, it’s been like a superpower in my life.

During the year when I was 8 years old, I ended up in the hospital several times.


First day of school, summer vacation, and a bike accident all lead to feelings of high anxiety in my little body.

And my digestive system stopped working as it should.

Hence the trips to the hospital.

Continue reading “Keep Calm… and Change Your Life”