Make it URGENT

Sometimes it feels like we’ve got LOADS OF TIME to do the things we really WANT to do.

But the fact is, we don’t.

I hate to be the bearer of this bad news.

(Although I know you know it’s true.)

I just want to remind you:

If there’s something you WANT to do, then PLAN NOW to GET IT DONE.

Because like it or not, there’s a timeline.

You can’t see it, but you know it’s there.

And you don’t want wait your whole life to finally get healthy, fit, self-confident, sexy, and become the woman of your dreams.

Because it’s not really about getting to those things.

What I mean is, your goal of getting FIT isn’t just about getting to the place of being FIT.

It’s about what being FIT will bring to your life

The things you’ll do, the clothes you’ll wear, the places you’ll go.

THOSE are things you REALLY want.

You want to take advantage of being FIT.

And you don’t want to wait until your eighties and nineties to reap those benefits.

You want them as close to NOW as possible.

And knowing this, and thinking in this way, can create a sense of URGENCY around your goals.

URGENCY is a great thing

I know that making you think of your own mortality doesn’t make me popular.

Who wants to be reminded of that, right?

But death is a solid reality check.

And the most powerful motivator I know.

It turns up the fire under your butt.

And it wakes you up to the fact that LIFE ISN’T INFINITE.

It’s finite.

And when you’re awake to that fact, you can’t put everything off until later.

You’ll no longer see the sense in waiting until…

  • Things “calm down”
  • The kids are older
  • The mortgage is paid off
  • Semi-retirement
  • Retirement…

Put your life into MOTION now.

Go after what you want starting TODAY.

Because if you sit around, and pretend that life isn’t ticking by, your body will pay the price.

It’s like you have this beautiful sports car (your body) and you’re saying that you’ll drive it… ONE DAY.

In the meantime, it’s sitting there, rusting.

And by the time you’re ready to take it out, it won’t go.

And to fix it, if you can, will cost you time and big bucks.

But there’s another way.

Enjoy the car NOW.

Take it out for a spin regularly.

Fill it up, wash it, and change the oil.

So that when ONE DAY shows up, your car is ready to go.

Do you know what I’m getting at here?

I’m saying…

  • Get fit now
  • Lose the weight now
  • Feel confident and beautiful now

So that when you make your ONE DAY happen, you’re ready.

Ready to hike the mountain, ready to live in Paris, ready to run after your grandkids, ready to show up at the beach in a bikini, bright red lipstick, carrying two margaritas…

Make your goals URGENT (because they are.)

Make each day count (because they all do.)

Stop putting things off and missing out (because that’s stealing your time.)

Get a step closer starting today.

Choose one step you can take before the day is done.

Do that step every day for a week.

Keep doing it daily, then add a new step.

Rinse and repeat.

It’s easy to get going.

Fostering a sense URGENCY is what will KEEP you going.

So, create a timeline for your goals.

Tick things off the list, or use stickers in a calendar.

Fill your environment with messages, pictures, books, and recordings that remind you that this is happening NOW.

And that you’re the one calling the shots.

You are doing this.

And nothing can stop you.

Are you feeling a sense of URGENCY to go after what you really want?

I know you probably know my story.

My mom died of cancer at 57, only three weeks after diagnosis.

She didn’t expect that her timeline was coming to an end.

And she hadn’t really gotten to her own list of wants.

I know she was probably waiting for us kids to be settled and out of the house, and for my dad to be retired.

I wish I’d have understood then what I understand now, at 48.

I would have supported and encouraged her to go after what she wanted.

Instead, I use her memory to encourage me, and to create a sense of URGENCY around my own goals.

And I also use her memory to encourage you too.

Each day you have a chance to turn the ship around.

Make new choices, change your destination, and redefine who you are.

Keep moving forward my friend,


P.S. Are you ready to create URGENCY and just get stuff done? Then I’d love to talk to you! I’m taking on 3 new clients this month, so book a time to talk with me, and I can get you started:

P.P.S. Belly Fit Yoga starts online next Tuesday, September 14th. Are you in? Check out the details here: