Are you too attached to the result you want?

I’ve been struggling with this idea lately.

Because, like any business owner, I really want to grow my business.

But I’m realizing there’s a difference between wanting something, and being attached to the result of wanting something.

I mean, can I desire something but be unattached to getting it?

And how does that work?

And for my clients, can they have a strong desire to lose weight and not be attached to that weight loss?

It’s a tough question, but I think I’ve figured some stuff out about non-attachment and desire.

And I’m sharing it with you here…

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How do you both accept yourself as you are, and want to change?

Last night I taught a yoga class about the first chakra.

Chakras may sound a little woo-woo, but this first chakra is just about the energy of feeling safe and secure.

It’s the most basic human need.

And part of what makes you feel safe and secure, comes from accepting that you being alive is enough.

That you don’t need to do anything, be anything, or have anything else.

You are enough.

And, to be honest, that’s not always easy.

And, in some ways, it’s kind of counter-intuitive.

Our intuitive thoughts pipe up and say “Well, if I accept myself as I am, then I won’t ever progress, or try.  I’ll just stay the same.

Continue reading “How do you both accept yourself as you are, and want to change?”

Fake surgery, old thoughts, and moving upward in 2021

Getting older is tough.”

This isn’t a fact.

It may sound like a fact, but it’s actually just a thought.

And I’ve had that thought many times.

Lately I’ve been catching myself having this kind of thought.

It doesn’t feel good to think it.

In fact it feels heavy, and more than a little scary.

It makes me resistant to aging.

And being resistant to aging doesn’t help, because, like it or not, I’m getting older.

Continue reading “Fake surgery, old thoughts, and moving upward in 2021”