How to set up your environment for success

So this week’s blog post is actually a vlog post.

Unfortunately my written post disappeared into the ether, and thus the vlog was born.

Enjoy this special video post on SHAPING THE PATH to create great habits.

It’s one of the most powerful ways to do it.

And by the way, the book by Dan and Chip Heath is called “Switch” and it’s available on Amazon.

If you need help creating an easier path to your new habits, I’ve got you covered.

You can always book a time to talk with me, and you can find out more about working with me in my 6-month coaching program.

Until next time, keep moving forward,



Guess what?

When I went to publish this vlog post… My blog post reappeared!!

Here’s the original written version, if you’re curious…

Continue reading “How to set up your environment for success”

Self-Compassion as a Weight Loss Tool

The curious paradox is that when I accept myself as I am, then I can change.” – Carl Rogers, Psychologist

Self-compassion as acceptance

I think our biggest struggles come from not accepting what is and who we are.

And it shows up in a word:


  • “I should be further along by now.”
  • “I should know better.”
  • “I should be exercising more.”
  • “I should eat this, and I should stop eating that.”

When you’re “shoulding” yourself, it’s because you haven’t accepted yourself or your actual situation.

Continue reading “Self-Compassion as a Weight Loss Tool”

3 Ways to Release Belly Fat Without Dieting

What’s the best diet for losing this flabby belly?”

Great question.

I get asked versions of this question a lot… As you can imagine.

And I know that when women ask me this, they’re looking for a prescriptive answer…

Eat this,” or “Avoid that,” or “Just follow the _______ diet.”

Want to know the truth?

Almost ALL DIETS can help you lose weight and release fat.

Even belly fat.

So, Keto, clean, Paleo, vegan, vegetarian, Mediterranean, flexitarian, Weight Watchers,…

They can all lead to the fat loss you’re looking for.


Continue reading “3 Ways to Release Belly Fat Without Dieting”

Learning to TRUST your body

“Your body is telling you the truth.”

I heard this statement in a podcast.

And it’s been on my mind ever since.

I’ve come to believe whole-heartedly in this statement, and now it’s become the basis of what I coach on.

It’s not really about intuition, instead it’s more about awareness.

Noticing and acting on the insights from my own body.

I now understand that when you practice being aware of your body, you learn to TRUST what it says.

Even when you’re in mid-life, and your hormones are changing.

You learn that your body is always telling you the truth.

Continue reading “Learning to TRUST your body”