Each week I write about things that I believe can help you to making positive changes.

And ultimately, my goal in sharing this information is to help you get what you REALLY want.

But, what do you REALLY want?

If I ask this question, I get a bunch of different answers.

But what I’ve discovered is that it can be boiled down to ONE thing.

And it’s not the number on the scale, the size of your jeans, or calories/carbs on your plate.

It all boils down to a feeling.

Feeling good.

All we REALLY want is to FEEL GOOD.

It’s just about how we want to feel.

And the word “good” is kind of like the word “nice”, it doesn’t mean a whole lot.

But I’ve found “good” is a stand-in for a positive feeling.

To you, feeling “good” may mean feeling beautiful, feminine, confident, healthy, worthy, accomplished, peaceful…

It may mean all those things.

However, in order to feel the kind of “good” you want to feel, there are criteria.

IF you meet these criteria, THEN (you believe) you’ll feel “good.”

These criteria can include weighing a certain amount, wearing a certain size, eating/not eating certain foods, doing certain activities, looking a certain way, being a certain kind of person, having certain qualifications, ….

So many things.

There are so many barriers created in your mind just to get to feeling GOOD!

That’s heavy stuff.

But there’s a simpler way.


It sounds easy, but I know it’s not.

Because in order to get to feel good now, there’s some work involved.

It’s not automatic.

The work required to get there involves learning to believe something different than you believe now.

It requires you to consider other perspectives.

And to see other opportunities.

That’s the work.

It’s not heavy lifting, it just requires an open mind.

And, as a coach, that’s REALLY what I help my clients with.

Working with me, they get a new perspective, and discover new ways of seeing things.

So that, ultimately, they can get to their goal and their version of feeling “good.”

The power to getting what you want is truly in your mind.

And the tools I use in my coaching are all to do with training the mind.

Here are the some of the main things I coach on:

  • Feeling instead of feeding your emotions
  • Understanding and eating according to your hunger
  • Finding what movitates you
  • Discovering fun and effective ways to move every day
  • Appreciating – and even loving – your body, wrinkles and all
  • Lowering and eliminating stress and anxiety
  • Discovering your creativity and passions that light you up…

All these things require you to use your mind.

They all require you to be CONSCIOUS and AWARE.

And then both your mind and body get to reap the benefits:

  • You get the weight loss
  • You get the “good” feelings
  • You get the better sleep, less pain, increased mobility, strength, and endurance
  • You get the energy, find the time, realize the dreams

It’s really about what being aware of how you want to feel.

And then taking action from there.

What is ONE thing you can do today, to move you towards feeling “good”?

When I teach my Yoga class, I always ask my participants to move into the posture until it feels good.

There’s no point holding a Yoga posture if it’s causing you pain.

It’s not about suffering to get to the perfect posture.

It’s about feeling good in the posture as it shows up in your body.

It’s about how it feels, not how it looks.

If it feels good, then you know you’re on the right track.

Keep moving forward,


P.S. If you want to move the towards feeling “good”, then get on a free call with me. Find a time that works for you, and I’ll talk to you soon!