Finding the WHY that drives you

When was the last time you had 6 months where your calendar was totally free – nothing to do, no one to take care of, and nowhere to be? 

I bet you were 2.  Or maybe 3?

I don’t remember if I ever had that kind of time.

And it’s not realistic to expect that you or me will have time like that anytime soon.

Except when we kick the bucket… But let’s stick to the positive 🙂

So, seeing that you’re alive, you’ve probably got plans over your next 6 months.

Doctor and dentist appointments, work, grocery shopping, maybe some kids to take care of?

In fact, you’re probably pretty busy.

So what if you want to get something big done despite being so busy?

What if you want to go back to school, or lose 50 pounds, or spend a 2-month stay-cation in Australia?

How will you get it done?

The fact is, there will never be a “good” time; your agenda will always be full.

To get it done, you’ll have to be willing to reschedule things, create a new routine, and put other things off.

You’ll have to stop being “too busy”, and start making room.

If it’s important enough to you, you’ll do it.

And there’s the rub.

That’s when, faced with the choice of zigging when you’re life is set up for zagging, you’ll probably drop the ball.

Not only you, but all of us.

Because saying you WANT to do something isn’t enough. 

There’s no power in wanting.

Knowing WHY you want it, and believing in WHY you want it, is what will drive you.

The power to get something big done, will always come from your WHY, not from your WANT.

You need to feel like you’ve got something on the line.

Your health, your money, your relationships… your dreams?

Something significant and personal to you, that would compel you do get it done.

That would be your WHY.

So if you really WANT to – let’s say – lose 50 pounds, you need to know WHY.

And to get to your WHY, it’s helpful to ask:

What does this 50 pounds mean to you?

  • Is it what the doctor said you need to lose to avoid becoming a diabetic?
  • Does it represent what you need to let go of, to move on, and become the woman you want to be after your divorce?
  • Is it what’s keeping you from traveling to places you really want to go?

Once you dig deep and figure out what this 50 pounds really means to you, you’ll have discovered your WHY.

But just because you’ve found it, doesn’t mean you’re home free.

You need to CONSTANTLY remind yourself of your WHY.

  • Write your WHY on Post-Its and stick them in the corner of your rear-view mirror in your car, on your fridge, on your bathroom mirror,…
  • Put an alert on your phone twice a day to have your WHY pop up on the screen
  • Write it in your journal 10 times each morning
  • Use it as a mantra during meditation
  • Make a song about your WHY and sing it in the shower
  • Tell people who care about you, who are willing to keep you accountable…

Maybe these reminders sound silly or unnecessary, but believe me, when the first sign of stress shows up and you usually handle it with a row of cookies, you won’t remember WHY you decided to lose 50 pounds.

You’ll crack.

All your effort up until that point will be out the window.

The thing is, a lot of people WANT to lose 50 pounds.

And the diet industry is full of ideas for those who WANT to lose weight, but yet very few do.

What’s the secret to those who do succeed at losing the weight and keeping it off?

It lies in the deeper reason that’s propelling their action.

The difference their WHY.

And the difference for you, will be your personal WHY.

That’s what will set you apart from the rest.

That’s what will get you up each morning and into your running shoes.

That’s what will have you and your shopping cart walk right past the cookie aisle.

And that’s what will give you the drive to eat less, move more, and actually enjoy doing it.

Your WHY is what will move you forward.

For me, my big WHY has been the memory of losing my mother almost 19 years ago.

That loss has made me appreciate that the length of my life isn’t guaranteed, and that there’s a much bigger picture of life we often don’t remember to look at when we’re stuck in the details of our daily lives.

Looking at this bigger picture gave me the courage to start a business, and continues to give me the motivation to stay healthy and fit so I can be around to love my family as long as possible.

How about you?

Do you know what drives you to make big changes or take risks? What’s your WHY?

Share by clicking on the “Comments” link below.

And keep moving forward my friend,


2 Replies to “Finding the WHY that drives you”

  1. You nailed it with this blog post. I have no self discipline and the WHY needs to be everywhere to remind me.

    1. Me too, Cam! Whenever we’re trying to change a habit, or do something new, it’s so easy to forget… Reminders have helped me so much.

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