Do you choose to snooze?

I’m not generally a morning snoozer these days.

But in the past I’ve stayed in bed after my alarm, awake, internally protesting against getting up to go to work.  

“Just a few more minutes,” I’d silently negotiate with myself.

And then it would frustrate me to be rushing around to leave the house.

I remember this being especially true when the kids were younger and I would have to push them through their morning routine.

I dreaded those mornings.

They usually ended in raised voices, defiance, and on occasion, melt downs (mine more than theirs.)

Admittedly, now that the kids are older, and get themselves ready and out the door, things are easier.

Except that now my 9-to-5 is a 6-to-2:30. 

That means getting up early.  Real early.

And very quickly I learned, once again, that if my sole reason for getting up is to go to my job, I would lay there in protest and just end up frustrating myself.

Oddly enough, I realized that when I was working for myself full-time, I didn’t have this same resistance.

I would wake up with a desire and, dare I say, excitement to get started with my day.

So I wondered, how can I create a morning that I’d be motivated to get up for?

Aside from quitting my job, what could I do to change my mindset?

I realized that in order to get up, and move beyond resistance, I needed to have something to look forward to.

That’s when I started doing simple, fun, and compact 15 to 20 minute morning workouts.

And, to make my workouts even more enjoyable, I also use that time to catch up on whatever Netflix series I’m following.

And more recently, before I even work out, I’ve gotten into the habit of writing in my Five Minute Journal (which, FYI, really helps to start your day with the right mindset.)

The reasons I chose these three things is because they make me feel good – physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

But they also contribute to the bigger picture goals I have for my life.

The first being to stay in awesome shape and health as I get older.

The second is to limit my intake of television by allowing myself this short time each day to watch whatever I want.

And the third is to stay focused on what’s most important to me, and the journal helps me with that by prompting me each morning for what I’m grateful for and what would make my day awesome.

So, despite having to wake up at 4am to get this stuff done, I start my day feeling energized and primed instead of frustrated and drained.

Basically, when I wake up to do things that are meaningful to me, I avoid the snooze button.

Now, of course, I’m not only talking about waking from sleep each morning, but also waking up to your life spiritually, emotionally, and physically.

Because during life, we often press the snooze button instead of doing the things we actually want to accomplish.

We tend to put things off – the big stuff we really want like traveling, getting into great shape, going back to school, starting a business, … – until we have more money, more time, things aren’t so busy, our kids are older…

And instead we fill our time with a whole bunch of busy work (or Netflix), but very little of what would move our life needle closer to AWESOME.

It reminds me of the quote, “You can have results or excuses, not both.”

Choosing snoozing generates excuses, not results.

I know it because I’ve generated lots of excuses in my life.

And now, much more often, I’m getting results.

So, what specifically are you pressing the snooze button on in your life?

And what can you do to make it easier to get that thing done starting now?

Think of one small thing you can do today.

Small is mighty when you do it daily.

Keep moving forward my friend,


P.S. Are you ready to get those big things done in your life and stop pressing snooze? Then get some coaching. I’ve got room for one more volunteer willing to be coached for FREE before my certificate program ends in April.

One Reply to “Do you choose to snooze?”

  1. Very useful, inspiring and supportive advice 🙂

    Re Netflix – – I actually exercise whilst watching as much as I like, eg marching and side stepping, light dumbbells, generally moving whilst viewing – – the best of both worlds 🙂

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