The skinny on eating fat

As a kid or young adult growing up in the late seventies and eighties, you witnessed the birth of “low-fat/no-fat” foods.

It was the beginning of the fight against fatness.

It’s when we decided that fat was making us fat.

And, on the surface, that theory sounds pretty plausible.

But hundreds of studies later, it’s very clear that fat isn’t responsible for making us fat.

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The Four Hormones Every Woman Should Know About

If you’re a woman who’s over 40, and noticing a change in your shape (namely extra folds in your mid-section), then you need to know about four particular hormones.

These hormones work great together together when everything’s in balance.

But when you head into perimenopause and through menopause, and things become unbalanced, these four hormones will play a big role in how and where you gain fat.

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How simple PLANNING can reduce your waistline

I have a client that wants to lose 10 inches around her waist.

She not only wants to lose it, she’s PLANNING on losing it.

And she’ll get there, I know she will.

Because she’s got a PLAN around food that she created, and that she knows she can stick to.

She’s planned out the answers to questions she knows will inevitably come up like:

Continue reading “How simple PLANNING can reduce your waistline”

Ready to lose belly fat? Join me for my free webinar!


I just wanted to let you know that if you didn’t yet see my free live webinar “How to balance your hormones (and lose the belly fat),” I’m bringing it back on February 6th.

In it, you’ll find out the foods, supplements, exercises, and other ideas for preventing or losing the belly fat associated with perimenopause or menopause.

If you can’t make it live, no worries!

Once you sign up, you’ll get the recording which can view when you’re ready.

Oh, and there’s a special offer at the end which I’ve been working on, so you don’t want to miss that!

In the meantime, if you have any questions about belly fat and menopause, send them to me… I’ll be answering questions at the end of the webinar, so your questions are super helpful.

See you February 6th!


P.S. Just in case you missed the link to sign up for the free webinar “How to balance your hormones (and lose the belly fat),” here it is:

How to cool your hot flashes

If you’re going through menopause, there’s a very good chance that you’re experiencing hot flashes.

Or night sweats – the night-time version.

About 75% of women going through menopause will experience hot flashes and/or night sweats, over a few months or several years.

It’s the most common issue during menopause.

But the good news is there’s a lot you can do to keep your cool and turn down the heat naturally.

Continue reading “How to cool your hot flashes”