3 Simple Ways to Eat to Lose Belly Fat in Perimenopause

So, two weeks ago I talked about your hormones.

Specifically, I explained the 4 HORMONES that every woman should know… Especially women going through perimenopause.

(If you missed that post, you can check it out here.)

And I mentioned that you DO have control – more than you think – over these hormones.

You CAN bring them into balance.

And, when you do, you can lose the belly fat, feel less bloated, reduce hot flashes, and even slow down the aging process.

And one way you can balance your hormones is through eating.

As you know, you need to eat.

Eating is necessary to give your body the energy it needs to do all the amazing things it does like beat your heart, move your arms and legs, and think.

But it’s also true – and for good reason – that you get PLEASURE from eating thanks to hormones that get released when you eat

These pleasure hormones – like dopamine and serotonin – are what kept your ancestors kept looking for food.     

And honestly, this was a fabulous human feature when food was scarce.

But not so much anymore.

Food is in now in HUGE supply, and we’re going overboard with it because of this pleasure hit.

More and more, we’re turning to food to feel better.

And we’re especially vulnerable through menopause when our bodies and lives seem a little out of control.

So how do you stop eating to make yourself feel good?

The first step is hunger.

1. Eat When You’re Hungry

Next time you’re about to eat, the first question to ask yourself is “Am I hungry?”

The “What should I eat?” question should come after.

You’d be surprised, but most of the time you’re probably eating when you’re not even hungry.

You’re eating because of what you’re feeling.

You’re eating because you feel bored, you feel upset, you feel joyous, you feel like you “just don’t care.”

And on top of that, you may be eating to a point way beyond full.

So, the other guideline to eating to learn when to STOP eating.

A good gage is to think about eating to 80% full.

You won’t know where this is at first.

It takes practice. 

But once you really learn to listen to your body, you’ll be amazed at what a powerful difference it makes in your life.

So now that you know your body signals of hunger and fullness…

What should you eat?

2. Eat Whole Food

Again, this is a simple one.

Eat foods that are in their original whole food form.

That means, most likely, foods that don’t come in a package with a list of ingredients.

The food you buy should have just one ingredient.  That food.

It should be spinach, apples, chicken, rice, potatoes, strawberries, black beans, almonds,…

I suggest eating mostly veggies, especially cruciferous veggies (broccoli, kale, cauliflower,…) which detoxify estrogens in the liver (remember Estrogen Dominance?)

And eat lean proteins including organically raised meats and non-animal proteins like legumes, nuts, and fermented soy.

And eat plenty of good fats that you can get from avocados, fatty fish, nuts, seeds, and cold pressed oils like olive oil.

And finally, eat small amounts of complex carbs such as brown rice, quinoa, steel-cut oats, and legumes.

Also take in plenty of water and green tea, which is also a great detoxifier.

Now, if you ask me what to do to lose fat and feel your best, I’d say avoid anything with added flour and/or sugar, as well as anything that comes from a package with a list of ingredients.

And I know you probably don’t want to hear that.

But these foods will definitely lead you into Estrogen Dominance.

The beauty is that you get to decide.  

You’re in charge of your body, you’re in control, you get to decide.

But wait!

What about pleasure??

3. Eat for Energy Over Pleasure

At this point, are you thinking something like:

“But I LOVE FOOD! Don’t take all my pleasure away!”

I’ll admit, this is a tough one for a lot of people.

It can even be like taking heroin away from an addict.

And the truth is that food may be your drug.

But the problem is that it’s a socially accepted, easily accessible, and relatively inexpensive drug.

Which is why so many people find it hard to give it up.

Of course you can’t give up food, but you can give it up as a main source of pleasure.

If you want to lose weight, lose belly fat, and lessen your menopause issues like hot flashes and vaginal dryness, then you do need to change your relationship with food.

And that change starts with seeing food as the energy that fuels your amazing body, instead of a party in your mouth.

And that’s not to say that energy food can’t be tasty…

But it does mean making food simpler, planned, and maybe even a little boring by your current standards.

Here’s what I suggest:

  • Make only simple meals made up of a lean protein, a good fat, and a complex carbohydrate
  • Create a rotating schedule of meals
  • Create a shopping list built around your planned meals

Doing this will significantly reduce the time you spend focused on food, and will also decrease the pleasure factor.

What will you do with the extra time?

What do you think of these eating guidelines I’ve outlined? Do-able? Or completely out to lunch?

Let me know what you think by clicking on the COMMENTS link below.

Now, I know that eating by these guidelines is easier said than done.

That’s why I coach.

It’s a lot easier to change how and what you eat when you have someone guiding you and supporting you along the way.

Not just with the mechanics, but with the mental and emotional aspects especially.

If you’re curious about getting coached, email me at debbie@debbieharbeccoaching.com or book a free consult.

And keep moving forward,
