My favorite smoothies…

I love smoothies!

They’re an amazingly easy, and tasty, way to get in those daily servings of fruit and veggies.

And they can make a filling breakfast, or a healthy after-school snack.

So, I’ve put together a few of my favorite smoothie recipes below.

Of course, you can modify any of the recipes by adding/removing/replacing what you want and make it your own.

Don’t be afraid to experiment!

Just let me know if you come up with any new, delicious combinations 🙂

Before you begin, if you’re going to be making smoothies regularly, I suggest investing in a very good blender. 

They can be pricey but there are several very good blenders out there under $200… I have a Breville which I’ve had for 6 years and it’s still going strong!

If weight loss is your goal, then stick with the smoothies that are less sweet. No added sugar, less sweet fruit.  Berries, greens, and avocado are all great choices.

For added protein and fat to keep you fuller longer, consider adding nut butter, Greek yogurt, avocado, or a scoop or two of good quality protein powder (no added sugar) to any smoothie.

Keep portions reasonable. It’s easy to overdo it with smoothies, because they’re easy drinking. So, limit the size of your smoothie to about 1 to 1.5 cups or 250 to 375 mL.

Also, you’ll notice I don’t do much dairy.

That’s mostly because my stomach doesn’t tolerate dairy very well, and also because I’ve never been a milk lover period.

But please, if you love milk or yogurt, feel free to use them instead of the almond milk suggested

Note: Each smoothie recipe is good for one to two people.

Fruiti-licious Smoothie

2 cups frozen mixed fruit or mixed berries
1/2 avocado or 1/4 cup full-fat plain greek yogurt
1 Tbsp ground flax seeds
1 Tbsp ground almonds
Handful baby spinach, spinach, or kale
Unsweetened almond milk

This recipe can be made even simpler with already prepared frozen fruit or berries bought in the frozen section of your grocery store. 
Place all the ingredients in the blender, adding just about a 1/2 cup of almond milk.  Cover, and blend everything together.  If it’s too thick, add a little more almond milk until you get your desired consistency. 

The colour isn’t so pretty but the taste and nutritional value are fantastic!

Choco-cado-nana Smoothie

This smoothie is great for chocolate lovers 🙂

1 or 1-1/2 chopped, frozen or fresh bananas (I add 2 ice cubes if using fresh)
1/2  avocado, chopped
1 Tbsp ground flax seeds
1 Tbsp cocoa powder
1 Tbsp protein powder
1 Tbsp natural peanut butter
Handful baby spinach, spinach, or kale
Unsweetened almond milk

This one is a favorite at our house.
Place all the ingredients in the blender, adding just about a 1/2 cup of almond milk.  Cover, and blend everything together.  If it’s too thick, add a little more almond milk until you get your desired consistency. 

The Refreshing Green Smoothie

1 cup chopped, ripe pineapple
1 pear, chopped
1/2 cup chopped cucumber
Juice from 1/2 lemon or lime
Handful baby spinach, spinach, or kale
1 Tbsp chopped cilantro or coriander (optional)

I love this refreshing smoothie!

It’s a great choice for a warm sunny day, or to pick you up when you need a lift.

Just place all ingredients in the blender and blend together until smooth.  If you want a thicker smoothie, consider using frozen pineapple instead of fresh. 

Tip: Add 1/2 an avocado for a heartier, creamier smoothie, and/or add 1 Tbsp protein powder if you want more protein.

Pumpkin Pie in a Glass

1 cup pumpkin purée
1 chopped, fresh or frozen banana
1 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp ground nutmeg
1/8 tsp ground ginger
1 Tbsp protein powder (optional)
Unsweetened almond milk

If you love pumpkin pie, you will absolutely adore this smoothie!

Place all the ingredients in the blender, including 1/2 cup of almond milk, and blend.  Add more almond milk as per the way you like it. 

Smoothies are a great place to inject some creativity and have fun with healthy food. 

Kids love them too.

My 16 year-old regularly makes one as soon as she gets home from school with the already-frozen fruit in the freezer. 

Perfect snack!

And finally, why not serve your special smoothie up in a beautiful glass… even your best crystal? 

Treat yourself to the best.  You deserve it!

Keep moving forward my friend,
