Keep Calm… and Change Your Life


I realize that since I learned to calm myself years ago, it’s been like a superpower in my life.

During the year when I was 8 years old, I ended up in the hospital several times.


First day of school, summer vacation, and a bike accident all lead to feelings of high anxiety in my little body.

And my digestive system stopped working as it should.

Hence the trips to the hospital.

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5-Day CHALLENGE: Eating for Happy Hormones

Perimenopause. Food. Belly fat.

Belly fat in particular is the reason I began working with women in perimenopause.

Because I noticed my own belly was taking up more space.

Even though I hadn’t changed what I was eating.

And even though I was still walking, running, and doing my planks.  

My belly just started to show.

Hanging over my pants.

Making me very uncomfortable in my jeans.

And I wanted to understand why.

What I found out then, was that at 46, I was in perimenopause and my hormone levels were shifting.

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Stop playing “GOOD” food, “BAD” food

“I was so GOOD yesterday, I didn’t eat…”

“It was a BAD day, I ate…”

“I bought only GOOD foods this week.”

“There was only crap (BAD) food at the party.”

We have a GOOD and BAD relationship with food.

We label foods as GOOD or BAD.

But we also tend to label ourselves as GOOD or BAD for eating, or not eating, those foods.

What if foods weren’t GOOD or BAD?

Continue reading “Stop playing “GOOD” food, “BAD” food”

Who are your 5 people?

Ever heard this Jim Rohn quote: “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with”?

When I first heard this, it really opened my eyes.

I saw the truth in it.

Years ago I noticed that my energy was low, and I was stuggling to accomplish what I really wanted.

And a big part of that was that I was surrounded by people with who weren’t supportive or who didn’t understand what I wanted.

Continue reading “Who are your 5 people?”

What’s going on with your THYROID?

Finally, I’m addressing this topic today!

I realize I haven’t yet written a post specifically about the THYROID GLAND.

Yet it plays a huge role in our health and well-being.

Especially for us ladies in mid-life and later.

And lately, I’ve noticed something really concerning.

At least half of my clients have a THYROID condition.

And for most of them it’s a form of hypothyroidism, called Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.

Hypothyroidism is basically a slowing down of the functioning of the throid.

So, I’ve been looking more deeply into hypothyroidism, and Hashimoto’s in particular.

First, because I want to help my clients who are living with this dis-ease.

And second, I also want to get the word out, and raise awareness.

Because Hashimoto’s is so incredibly common.

And part of me wonders if it constitutes and epidemic.

But let’s start at the beginning…

Continue reading “What’s going on with your THYROID?”