5-Day CHALLENGE: Eating for Happy Hormones

Perimenopause. Food. Belly fat.

Belly fat in particular is the reason I began working with women in perimenopause.

Because I noticed my own belly was taking up more space.

Even though I hadn’t changed what I was eating.

And even though I was still walking, running, and doing my planks.  

My belly just started to show.

Hanging over my pants.

Making me very uncomfortable in my jeans.

And I wanted to understand why.

What I found out then, was that at 46, I was in perimenopause and my hormone levels were shifting.

Estrogen and progesterone (the female hormones) were up and down for sure.

But also concerning were the impacts on insulin and cortisol.

Sugar and stress, to put it very simply.

When our female hormones start to de-stabilize and decrease, sugar and stress become even more of an issue for our bodies.

Especially our bellies.

And that’s when I realized that what was working fine before, was no longer working fine.

Most importantly, my food and eating habits needed to shift.

That’s when I created the PDF “How to Eat for Happy Hormones” in 2019.

(If you don’t already have it, you can find it at the end of this post.)

But recently I decided to expand on that.

To give it to you in actionable steps that you can implement right away.

So, I created this brand new, free 5-Day Challenge: Eating for Happy Hormones.

And it starts Monday, August 16th.

Is this CHALLENGE for you?

  • If you’re over 40 and noticing changes in where you’re putting on fat i.e. around the middle, then YES!
  • Or if you’re concerned about getting older, eating healthier, and avoiding medication as much as possible, then YES!
  • Or if you’re struggling to lose weight, you have a challenging relatioship with food, and you want to gain control over your eating habits, then YES!

I know that if any of that resonates with you, you’ll benefit from this Challenge.

Why BELLY FAT, and why NOW?

Although I focus on belly fat, it’s not the only issue that can show up in perimenopause.

There are other things like hot flashes, heavy and irregular cycles, migraines, and more.

But I focus on belly fat because it’s common in perimenopause, and it’s directly linked to your health.

Higher belly fat has been linked to higher risks of lifestyle diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers.

And the fact is, when you’re in perimenopause, any fat gained will tend to go around your middle.

So, NOW is the perfect time to make a shift.

Because you can prevent, and sometimes reverse, these conditions.

And then have more energy and health to do all the things you REALLY want to do…

Like traveling the world, starting a business or another career, taking up a new sport, getting into a new relationship, and just LIVING your most amazing life.

I believe the best is yet to come.

Why am I focused on FOOD and EATING in this challenge?

Food and eating make the make the biggest dent in belly fat.

Not to mention they can transform your health and wellness.

And making small, simple changes is all it takes.

Not only changes to WHAT you eat, but more importantly HOW you eat.

Because food is more than just calories and nutrients…

We eat for pleasure, we eat to stuff down emotions, we eat to celebrate, we eat out of boredom…

Our relationship with food is multi-dimensional.


And therefore focusing on points, calories, or macros won’t cut it

We need to face REAL food issues head on.

But one step at a time.

So HOW does the 5-DAY CHALLENGE work?

1. Sign up!

This 5-Day Challenge is FREE.

You just need to sign up with your first name and email and you’re in!


2, Look out for the Welcome Email

After you’ve signed up, look out for a Welcome email from me, debbie@momentum-fit.ca (make sure I’m not going into your junk mail.)

In this email you’ll get:

  • the Eating for Happy Hormones Workbook (it’s a fill-able PDF, but you can also print it out)
  • the schedule and link to our LIVE Zoom calls
  • the link to join the private Facebook group Eating for Happy Hormones 5-Day Challenge

So, make sure you save this email as it’s got all the info you need.

3. Join the private Facebook group

You can join the private FB group using the link in the Welcome Email.

I’ll be posting the recorded Zoom calls in the private Facebook page.

But the Facebook group is also THE place to introduce yourself, ask questions, share you experiences, and encourage each other!

It’s a valuable and motivating part of the experience, so I’d love to see you in there!

4. Show up to the daily LIVE ZOOM calls

Starting Monday, August 16th, I’ll be doing a short, live Zoom call each morning (Montreal time.)

Check out the link and schedule for these calls in the Welcome Email.

On each of the 5 days, I’ll show you a new concept for getting on track with food and eating for less hormonal belly fat.

Have paper and pen handy to take notes!

The calls will be RECORDED and posted in the private FB group.

My goal for this challenge is to give you lots of value but in the simplest, easiest way.

I can’t wait to get this Challenge started on Monday!

And don’t hestitate, if you have any questions, just REPLY to this email.

Hope to “see” you Monday!

Keep moving forward,


P.S. Sign up for the 5-DAY CHALLENGE here: https://debbie-harbec.lpages.co/5-day-challenge-eating-for-happy-hormones

And, just in case you don’t have it, here’s where to get my free PDF, “How to Eat for Happy Hormones