When you’re feeling stuck…

Do you ever feel stuck?

What I mean by stuck is feeling like you’re trapped in a situation you don’t want, like a job, a relationship, your finances, or even your own body.

At various points in my life, I’ve felt trapped in all these areas.

And what I realize is that this feeling of being trapped is really caused  by a belief that says I can’t get out of the situation.

For example, when I was in a career that really wasn’t what I wanted, I felt like I was trapped.

In fact, what kept me stuck were thoughts like “…this is the best I can do with the education I have” and “I don’t have the right or the education to leave it all and try what I want.”

So for years I resigned myself to this belief, and stayed on doing what I was doing.

But really, I wasn’t trapped not by the career or the job… I was trapped by my own mind.

And to free myself, and give myself choices, I knew I had to change my beliefs.

So, for you, maybe you feel trapped in a job.   But what may really be trapping you are the thoughts… that you’re not qualified for any other job, or that you couldn’t possibly have the time to get the education you’d need for another line of work.

Or if you feel trapped in your body, you may have beliefs like you’ve always been overweight so you will always be overweight, or that you don’t deserve to have the body you want.

So, how do you overcome these beliefs that keep you glued in place?

First you’ve got to acknowledge that it’s not the situation, it’s the belief.

You always have the choice to do something different, but what you believe will make it look like there’s no other choice.

Once you admit that it’s your mind, there are things you can do to change what you believe and free yourself.

Here are 4 ways I’ve found to be the most impactful in changing my own beliefs:

1. Challenge what you believe

When you’re stuck in a belief, your brain actually focuses on information that supports it and disregards information that doesn’t.

So if you want to change this belief, you’ve got to keep your eyes open for evidence to the contrary.

For example, like I said when I felt stuck in a career, all I seemed to notice were messages which fed me information like:  the only way to make money is doing what you went to school for, and it’s so difficult to find a good job.

When I began to open my mind a little, not only did I realize how many people were making money doing what they enjoyed, but they were succeeding even without a degree in their chosen field.

2. Breathing and meditation 

Both breathing and meditation can take you out of any situation, even if you’re literally trapped, and give you a whole new perspective.

Focusing on your inhaling and exhaling, or noticing your thoughts as they come and go, takes you out of your head and into a much bigger space.

When you’re stuck you’re usually holding on so tightly to certain thoughts and beliefs.  Breathing and meditation can allow you to release the grip on these thoughts and beliefs, and examine them.

Then you can see them for what they really are… nothing much.

3. Yoga and movement

When you’re stuck in your mind, there’s almost always an impact on your body.

Maybe it’s tension in your neck or back, or shallow breathing, or digestive issues.  These are things that prevent proper movement but that are also eased through movement.

When you take the time to become aware of your body through movement, you begin to untangle muscles that have gotten tied into knots, and open up the flood gates of energy that can now once again flow through you as it should.

4. Get guidance

I love self-help.

Books, podcasts, videos… it’s all good stuff.

And there are a couple of books in particular that I’ve found helpful in understanding these beliefs that limit us:  “The Gifts of Imperfection” by Brene Brown, and “Mindset: The New Psychology of Success” by Carol Dweck.

If you want to go further, get a coach, someone who will challenge your thinking and get you to think outside your box.

This can be a great option if you want to think differently about your body so you can lose weight, or if you want to get into a positive mindset to start your own business, or even if you want to just to get over some old habits.

No matter what, you have choices.

And actually, feeling stuck or trapped isn’t necessarily a negative thing.

It’s usually the feeling we need to trigger us to change and grow and move beyond to another level of our lives.

Keep moving forward my friends,


P.S. Yes, classes have started, but there’s always room for you!  If you want to come try a class, that is Boot Camp or Yoga, just text me at 514-445-6434 or respond to this email.

I’d love to have you join us!