What are your BIG 3 for 2021?

In a significant way, I think 2020 has been a gift.

It’s definitely given me a whole new perspective on my life, and life in general.

Personally, it put a magnifying glass on what’s most important in my life.

And it’s helped me see more clearly what’s just taking up space, or worse, bringing me down.

The important things are the things I need, and that I’m not willing to compromise on.

They’re the things that I’ll use as criteria when deciding what I want to do in my life moving foward.

So, just to share, here are my BIG 3:

  1. The first, and most obvious, is HEALTH.

I think this year has made me realize that not only is health important, but that keeping myself healthy has the power to keep others healthy.

I have the power to make positive decisions for my own health, and those decisions affect the health of those around me.

Of course, in 2020, mask wearing has been an obvious example of this.

But I also think that things like going for a run, eating real food, meditating, and getting enough sleep, also have a similar effect.

Because when I take care of my mental health and my physical health, then my children, my clients, and everyone I interact with also benefit.

Because when I do those things, I’m a better human being to be around – not to mention a more present parent and a more effective coach.

2. The next one is FULFILLMENT.

Losing a good friend in 2020 really shook me up, but reflecting on her life has helped me embrace that there’s no point living my life half way.

And the fact we’ve been limited physically, that we haven’t been able to do things and go places as we please, has further emphasized this for me.

Life is to live.

And to me, living life means to follow my curiosity, explore my limits, do things outside my box, and not let fear be a reason not to do something.

Living a fulfilling life means living whole-heartedly.

3. And finally, the third, and probably most important, is LOVE.

Ok, that may sound a little corny, but this year has shown me how important it is to love, to be loved, and to express love.

Not being able to hug people, or see their faces, or be within the same walls as extended family and friends, saying “I love you” has become so much more significant.

I noticed how much more I’ve used the word “love”, and put heart emogees in posts, and made that heart symbol with my hands.

And I’m aware of how these things used to feel uncomfortable for me.

Not anymore.

Also, I’ve realized that loving someone through challenge isn’t always easy.

Especially during this collective challenge of the pandemic, where the ways that each of us deal with it may be completely different from one person to the next – even within the same household.

I’ve learned that when you love someone, there’s no room for judgment or being “right”.

Even though it’s tough to hold my tongue when part of me is screaming that I know best, shutting up is often the most loving thing I can do.

As this crazy year comes to a close (and so many of us aren’t disappointed to see it go), I think it’s important to take a moment or two and reflect on it.

Here are 3 questions that may help you reflect and move forward into 2021 with renewed energy:

1.What did 2020 teach you about yourself?

2.What are your own BIG 3 in terms of the values you’ve decided are most important in your life?

3.What’s the first step you’ll take to make 2021 your best year yet?

2020 has been a year of lessons.

Lessons we learned as a planet, and lessons we’ve each learned as individuals.

Now it’s time to take that learning, and put ourselves into action.

One of my first steps, before 2021 arrives, is to take 30 minutes and just meditate on how really fortunate I am for the year I’ve lived, and how grateful I am to come out stronger on the other end of it.

I want to see the positive in 2020, so I can step into the new year fueled by that energy.

Here’s to an awesome year ahead!

Happy holidays and keep moving forward, my friend.


P.S. If you’ve got a goal you want to go for in 2021, I’m here to get you there.

I can get you over your obstacles (you know those things that usually cause you to give up?) so you can – in the next few months – reduce belly fat and get to a healthy waistline, get stronger physically and mentally, live more authentically, and just feel great about yourself.

As your coach, I’m here to support you, help you discover new ideas and possibilities, and keep you on track all the way to your goal.

Start by booking a free consultation session with me – I’m available through the holidays. You can email me or book it directly at www. momentum-fit.ca/book-a-session

2 Replies to “What are your BIG 3 for 2021?”

  1. Debbie, this post really resonated with me. I really needed to read this, hear this, and now live this. Thank you for your inspiration and candidness – it speaks volumes!

    1. I love this Marisa! 💕
      You’ve taken huge steps forward in 2020, I’m excited to see what 2021 brings. Enjoy the holiday 😘

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