It may not be the first thing you think about for fitness or fat loss.
But it can get you both.
However, there are also so many other benefits to adding a little Yoga to your life.
It definitely changed my life for the better.
And, believe me, I didn’t expect it to.
I didn’t even want to do Yoga.

How I found Yoga
Physical pain.
Twelve years ago, I was running a marathon in Ottawa, and unbelievably fractured my pelvis.
It was a hairline fracture, but it made walking very painful.
And running was out of the question.
Life at the time was super hectic with a full-time corporate job, two little kids, and a recent divorce.
Running had been my escape.
But now, faced with very limited movement, I wanted to find an activity that was calm, with no impact.
So, I joined a lunch-hour Yoga class at my office.
And, unexpectedly, it changed me.
Yoga actually helped me find balance at a difficult time. That year, I’d become a single mom, bought my own home, lost a job, and started a new job.
Yoga got me to stop and notice my body. I previously had NO connection with my body, and didn’t realize how tight and sore I was due to the stress I was putting on myself.
Yoga had me really notice and feel my breathing. I’d never really paid attention to my breathing, and once I recognized HOW to breathe, I was able to reduce my anxiety.
Yoga really helped slow down my incessant go-go-go mind. Slowing my mind helped to become so much more aware of myself, my family, and the outside world. It calmed me. It gave me a whole new perspective on my life and life in general.
I loved Yoga so much that three years later I became a certified teacher.
That was 2013.
Now, in 2021, I believe Yoga is needed.
More than ever.
I believe the past 18 months has grown our need for grounding, healing, and compassionate practices like Yoga.
And, on top of that, if you’re going through “the change” or perimenopause, Yoga can positively and powerfully affect your experience.
It can be a game changer.

Here are some of the great benefits of Belly Fit Yoga:
It combines physical movement with breathing and relaxation, all of which aim to REDUCE STRESS and ANXIETY, and therefore help to reduce belly fat (less stress = less belly fat in perimenopause)
It STRENGTHENS your muscles, in particular your CORE, which, in turn, will help improve your posture, and strengthen your bones
It improves your BALANCE and FOCUS, which will help reduce injury and keep you moving towards your goals
It’s a great way to CONNECT with your BODY and MIND and help bring awareness to what’s working and what’s out of balance.
And, if you’ve never tried Yoga before, my classes are SIMPLE and EASY TO FOLLOW.
I teach at a COMFORTABLE PACE and give you as much instruction as I can.
I’m also available between classes for your questions and comments, including ideas for any modifications you might need.
Are you ready for Belly Fit Yoga with me?
Here’s what you need to know:
1. There are TWO LIVE classes a week on Zoom
- Tuesday mornings at 7am EDT (30 minutes)
- Thursday evenings at 7:30pm EDT (60 minutes)
And don’t worry if you can’t make it to the classes LIVE!
No matter where you are, you’ll have access to all the CLASS RECORDINGS throughout the fall session.
2. Classes START Tuesday, September 14th
3. The COST of the 12-week session (2 classes a week) is only 149$ CAD.
4. You don’t need any special equipment to begin (but a yoga mat is useful.)
5. You don’t need any Yoga experience. Everyone is welcome.
6. Here are the details and the LINK to sign up:
Once you’ve signed up, I’ll send you a special Welcome email with all the details to join me online.
If you have any questions, concerns, or comments, you can hit “REPLY” to this email, and I’ll be happy to help.
Looking forward to seeing you in class on the 14th!
Thanks and keep moving forward,
P.S. Simply click on the link to go to the sign up page for the class: