What’s the BEST way to lose weight in perimenopause?

Are you trying to lose belly fat or other body fat you’ve gained in perimenopause or menopause?

Where do you begin?

This question, that I get a lot, can lead to overwhelm and frustration.

Overwhelm because there are so many exercise programs, diets, and ideas out there.

And frustration because what worked years ago doesn’t seem to be working anymore.

So, I want to share what I’ve found to be the BEST place to start if weight loss is your goal – and you’re in perimenopause (or menopause.)

Here we go…

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Energize yourself by going GREEN this summer

I would never have thought a color could affect health.

But colors do impact us.

Not only emotionally and psychologically, but physically as well.

GREEN, in particular, is a color that not only represents health and well-being…

It can literally transform your health and well-being.

GREEN is also associated with growth, renewal, and calm.

So, I think we could all use a little more green in our lives.

I mean, if a color can make you healthier, why not make it work for you?

Here are some ideas for introducing more GREEN into your life this summer:

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Presence for Mother’s Day

Here in Canada, this Sunday is Mother’s Day.

I know for some, it’s just a commercial holiday.

But for a lot of us, it’s a day we spend time with our moms and families.

Or we take time to remember those moms in our lives that have passed.

In my case, it’s the one day each year that I go visit my mom’s grave.

And I bring her a single flower…

A bird of paradise.


It was her favorite.

Just three years before she passed away, my brothers and I surprised my parents with plane tickets to Hawaii for their 25th wedding anniversary.

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Why Yoga leads to a better perimenopause experience

Your hormones may be a little chaotic these days.

I know mine are.

For me, I notice it in my cycle which has been unpredictable over the past few months.

I get heart palpitations every so often.

I get bloated more easily.

I’m more prone to gaining belly fat.

I feel more aches and pains in my joints.

And I had a few months of acid reflux.

Stress is definitely something that makes these things appear or get worse for me.

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Keep Calm… and Change Your Life


I realize that since I learned to calm myself years ago, it’s been like a superpower in my life.

During the year when I was 8 years old, I ended up in the hospital several times.


First day of school, summer vacation, and a bike accident all lead to feelings of high anxiety in my little body.

And my digestive system stopped working as it should.

Hence the trips to the hospital.

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21-Day Belly Fit Self-Love Challenge

With Mother’s Day this coming Sunday…

I had an idea for a Challenge.

It’s been a while since I’ve offered a Challenge, so I thought, why not make it super exciting, and go bigger?

Since I don’t have my own mom around to spoil and celebrate, I thought I could spoil and celebrate YOU instead.

This Challenge is for YOU, especially if you need to become more of a priority in your own life.

Because, it’s definitely time that you feel important.

Not to mention worthy, beautiful, strong, bold, and at peace with who YOU are.

So, I’m challenging you to put yourself first for 21 days.

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Webinar: Belly Fat to Belly Fit – Coming Feb 17th!

I’m really excited to bring you this free webinar!

It’s this coming Wednesday, February 17th, at 12pm, and it’s officially called:

Belly Fat to Belly Fit: How to lose belly fat, balance your hormones, and feel better in perimenopause and beyond

I know that title’s a mouthful.

But I wanted to get it all in there.

I’m focusing on belly fat because waist measurement is one of the simplest and best measures of your health.

And it’s very much related to your changing hormones and how you feel in your body.

And so, if you reduce belly fat, you can improve your health, and at the same time, positively affect your other perimenopause issues, as well as feel a whole lot better in your body.

When I talk about belly fat, I mean the fat that hangs over your waistband.

You might know it.

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How do you both accept yourself as you are, and want to change?

Last night I taught a yoga class about the first chakra.

Chakras may sound a little woo-woo, but this first chakra is just about the energy of feeling safe and secure.

It’s the most basic human need.

And part of what makes you feel safe and secure, comes from accepting that you being alive is enough.

That you don’t need to do anything, be anything, or have anything else.

You are enough.

And, to be honest, that’s not always easy.

And, in some ways, it’s kind of counter-intuitive.

Our intuitive thoughts pipe up and say “Well, if I accept myself as I am, then I won’t ever progress, or try.  I’ll just stay the same.

Continue reading “How do you both accept yourself as you are, and want to change?”