March Motivation is here!

Move over February, March is here!

And spring is just days away.

Ok, I know it’s -20C here today, but I promise, spring is literally on its way.


Now, I want to say thanks to all of you who participated in “Meet Me in Plank” in February.

Whether you tried it once, or for the entire month, I love that you were willing to get up early and move with me.

And maybe it helped you build a new morning routine.

And that’s partly why I did it.

I wanted to create my own new routine, including waking up earlier and getting stuff done… Mornings are the most productive time for me.

And I also took the opportunity to add a couple new things to my morning routine, like visualization and affirmations.

It’s been a real boost to start the day with more positivity.

Now for March, I’m offering something different.

I’m calling it March Motivation.

So, each morning around 9-ish, I’ll be on Facebook Live offering Motivation and Inspiration

I want to help you move forward with your goals and dreams.

Whatever they are… Weight loss, getting fitter, creating a healthier lifestyle, healthier relationships, healthier work-life balance…

I’ll be talking about all the stuff.

Like motivation, food, fitness, stress, hormones, and how to handle getting off course.

Basically, any ideas that have helped me and that I feel will help you, I’ll talk about.

And if you have any questions you’d like to ask me, I’d LOVE to hear from you!

Send my your questions, and I’ll answer them directly in my FB live one morning this month.

I know for sure that what you want to know, hundreds of others will want to know too.

So, please email me your questions 🙂

And you can check out my daily motivation on my Facebook page:

And continuing with the motivation…

March is a great month for trying new things.

As I mentioned in my FB post, this is the month of thaw and renewal.

It’s time to defrost those goals and maybe even create some new ones.

This spring, Yoga is continuing, and it can fit in nicely with your goals of feeling more fit, more energetic, feeling more confident in a bathing suit, and reducing anxiety.

How exactly does Yoga benefit you?

  1. It helps reduce your stress, which makes fat loss and hormone balance a whole lot easier!
  2. It builds lean muscle, especially through your belly and back (aka your core)… that means a higher metabolism!
  3. It makes you more aware of your body, and how it’s actually feeling… That can be powerful when you want to make positive changes!
  4. It will help you touch your toes… Or at least get a lot closer!
  5. It helps you feel better about you… There’s no competition, no judging, no required postures. You just go with what you can do, and what feels best in your body.

And each class through the spring we’ll be waking up our bodies and minds to move upward and onward to brighter days.

With what we’ve been through with the pandemic, and now the winter, this March brings new possibilities.

And I think it’s time for a new beginning.

So, if you’re ready to join me for Yoga this spring, just head on over to my link and sign up here:

As soon as you’ve done that, you can start attending classes!

And I’ll see you soon.


P.S. Join me for Yoga right here: and share this link with a friend! It’s always more fun when you can share the experience with someone you care about.