What are your BIG 3 for 2022?

This past year has changed me.

Similar to 2020, it’s definitely challenged my perspective on life, and in particular, my life.

It helped further magnify what’s most important.

What I truly value.

The things that I’m no longer willing to compromise on.

Because they’re the things that make me better.

That put the LIFE into my life.

So, I’ve boiled these things down into three words, or values.

And here are my BIG 3 for 2022 :


This second year of the pandemic has further emphasized how important my health is.

Physical health, definitely.

But mostly my emotional health.

That’s been the most challenging aspect of my health through this time.

And I’m very aware that my health – physical and emotional – affects not just me, but the health of those around me, too.

For example, this past year, getting vaccinated was more than a personal health choice.

And wearing a mask in public has now become as automatic as wearing shoes.

But they’re only a small part of my HEALTH decisions.

The big part is what I do day to day.

Those daily choices that honor my body and mind.

Like walking, running, eating real food, meditating, journaling, and getting enough sleep.

In the past year, these habits have kept me sane.

And I consider all of them non-negotiable self-care.

And again, these self-care habits benefit me, but I’m very aware that they also benefit everyone around me.

Because a happy, healthy, sane ME equals showing up as a better parent, a better partner, a better coach, and generally a better human being.


In 2022 I’ll be 50, and although I don’t feel old, turning 50 does make me realize that time is precious.

And when I think of my mom, who passed away at 57, it’s like an elbow in the ribs reminding me:

Don’t wait. Tomorrow is not an option. Today is all you have.”

At the same time, I don’t want to panic about it, and frantically start running in every direction.

My plan is to do the opposite.

Calmly plan my days, focused on where I’m going.

So, part of my plan is to continue meditating each morning, because meditation is the best practice in focus and presence that I know.

And in addition to my meditation, I’ll be adding more time for reflection and journaling.

I’ll continue walking at least once each day, because getting outside refreshes my focus.

Also, I’ll be deleting the most distracting apps from my phone, the ones I check way too often.

And, taking a lesson from my oldest daughter, I’ll leave my phone in another room while I work.

With more focus, my mind will be clear and free to write, coach, and learn more about my craft.

I’ll be more present with what I’m doing, and who I’m with.

And basically, I’ll get sh$# done.


The pandemic has me retreating into my introverted self more often.

And although I love alone time, I’m aware I’m overdoing it.

I admit, I’ve gotten lazy in my connection with others.

And, although I don’t live alone, I’ve recently realized that I feel lonely sometimes.

More deep connection is needed.

So, in 2022 I’ll be making more plans that include others.

And even if those plans are just a phone call, a text, or an email, regular connection is what matters to me.

And I want to create new connections too.

Meeting new people, in person or online, has always been a challenge for me.

But when I do, it energizes me, and I remember how good it feels to connect.

I know I’ve heard it said many times, but it’s so true…

In a world that seems to be all about connection, I’ve never felt more disconnected.

So 2022, I’ll be more purposely creating deep connection.

One conversation at a time.

What are your BIG 3 for 2022?


What are yours?

Feel free to email me, or comment below.

Now that you’re ready to leave 2021 behind, and welcome in 2022, I have two additional questions for you.

I think they may help you move forward with more motivation, awareness, and action:

  • What are your TOP 5 greatest learnings/experiences of 2021?
  • What’s the first step you’ll take to make 2022 your best year yet?

Earlier this week, I shared in an email my TOP 5 for 2021.

Reflecting on them and writing them down helped me zoom in on what was GOOD, and even GREAT, about the past year.

Even though it was a tough one.

And seeing the positive in 2021, now allows me to step into 2022 fueled by that energy.

And to answer the last question…

My first step in 2022 will be to plan some tea-time chats with friends and family.

And go for a walk.

Here’s to an awesome year ahead!

Keep moving forward, my friend.


P.S. Where do you want to be December 31st, 2022?

I can help you get there.

Do you want to be sporting a healthier waistline, fitting into your favorite jeans, enjoying strong, lean arms, be living more authentically, or feeling more accomplished?

As your coach, I’m here to support you in seeing and creating new possibilities, and keeping you on track all the way to your goals.

Start by booking a free consultation session with me – I’m available to connect beginning January 3rd. You can email me or book a time directly in Calendly