How to have more BALANCE in your life

What does balance mean to you?

Is it about splitting your time between doing the things you want to do and the things you don’t?

Or maybe it’s about managing your energy between pushing yourself and relaxing.

Balance is a simple word that can mean many things.

So, if you want balance, you need to define what it means to you if you’re going to achieve it.

And I think a good place to start is to notice how you’re feeling.

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Join me for Better Belly Week

Happy Thanksgiving!

Today is Thanksgiving here in Canada.

And it’s one of my favourite holidays.

Of course, a big part of what I love about it is the food…

Pumpkin pie being my absolute favourite.

But it’s especially a time to remember all the things we’re thankful for.

And in this past year, I feel really blessed that I’ve been able to work with so many great women.

Women who, like me, are moving forward through peri/menopause.

We know that peri/menopause, although it’s natural, can be a challenging time.

And being able to guide women through it, and find ways that we can all feel better in our bodies, maybe even better than ever, is what I love most.

So, in honor of Thanksgiving, and once the leftovers are gone, I’m offering four days of strategies, ideas, and tips to feel better in your peri/menopause body.

I’m calling it Better Belly Week

Join me for Better Belly Week!

From November 1st to 4th, I’ll be live for up to an hour each day, sharing what works to feel better in your belly, body, and life.

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How to clear your mind for better mental health

So, earlier this week I talked about why clearing your mind is important.

Basically, learning to clear you mind can keep you mentally healthy and focused.

Because if chaos reigns, eventually melt downs and burn outs will occur.

In this time, where distractions are everywhere, mental health issues have become the biggest threat to our happiness, and in fact, to our survival.

Our minds are largely unfocused, and therefore predisposed to conditions like high anxiety and depression.

We’re directly, and at all times, plugged into work, friends, family, and the world at large.

If we feel even the least bit “bad” we reach for food, alcohol, drugs, Netflix, and more.

Which leads to a host of other issues – physical and mental.

The truth is, none of us are immune to mental health issues.

It’s something I think we all have to take seriously for ourselves, as we grow older, and for those we love and care about.

So, what can you do?

Continue reading “How to clear your mind for better mental health”

What’s the BEST way to lose weight in perimenopause?

Are you trying to lose belly fat or other body fat you’ve gained in perimenopause or menopause?

Where do you begin?

This question, that I get a lot, can lead to overwhelm and frustration.

Overwhelm because there are so many exercise programs, diets, and ideas out there.

And frustration because what worked years ago doesn’t seem to be working anymore.

So, I want to share what I’ve found to be the BEST place to start if weight loss is your goal – and you’re in perimenopause (or menopause.)

Here we go…

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Four big HORMONES that lead to OVEREATING in perimenopause

Does life feel boring and routine?

  • Order sushi!  Or pop open a bottle of champagne!

Do you feel down in the dumps?

  • Lasagna feels like a warm blanket on the inside.

Are you stressed and overwhelmed with work?

  • Order a pizza, who has time to cook?

Enjoying summer with friends?

  • Slap eight types of meat on the barbecue, and wash it down with one (make it two!) bottles of wine. Each.

Frustrated because you can’t sleep?

  • A little ice cream sure goes down nice.

Like it or not we often use food (and drink) to change our mood.

Continue reading “Four big HORMONES that lead to OVEREATING in perimenopause”

A 21-Day Meditation Challenge for your body

It’s obvious that you need to move your body to change your body.

But in order to move your body, you need to use your mind.

Because your mind is in charge.

  • It’s your mind that gets your body out the door.
  • It’s your mind that chooses the food that goes into your mouth.
  • It’s your mind that decides how you’re going to deal with stress.

So, if any of your goals include fitness, health, fat loss, or strength…

It’s your mind that will get you there.

Join my 21-Day Meditation Challenge
Continue reading “A 21-Day Meditation Challenge for your body”

How to create a weight-less identity

Losing weight can be a one-time thing.

Like after you’ve had kids, or losing the perimenopause belly.

But often, it’s a life-long thing.

Where it feels like most of your life you’ve been on some sort of diet, cleanse, workout routine…

All in the name of losing weight.

When it feels like a constant struggle, the struggle becomes part of you.

Your identity actually becomes that of someone who always “needs to lose weight.”

So, no matter how much action you take, you may not get results.

Until you shake this identity.

Continue reading “How to create a weight-less identity”