Webinar: Belly Fat to Belly Fit – Coming Feb 17th!

I’m really excited to bring you this free webinar!

It’s this coming Wednesday, February 17th, at 12pm, and it’s officially called:

Belly Fat to Belly Fit: How to lose belly fat, balance your hormones, and feel better in perimenopause and beyond

I know that title’s a mouthful.

But I wanted to get it all in there.

I’m focusing on belly fat because waist measurement is one of the simplest and best measures of your health.

And it’s very much related to your changing hormones and how you feel in your body.

And so, if you reduce belly fat, you can improve your health, and at the same time, positively affect your other perimenopause issues, as well as feel a whole lot better in your body.

When I talk about belly fat, I mean the fat that hangs over your waistband.

You might know it.

It’s the fat that used to show up on your hips, thighs, and butt, but then moved uptown when you got on the hormone roller coaster of perimenopause.

But your belly may also be affected by other hormone-related issues such as bloating, gas, and other digestive discomforts.

These seem to be a normal part of perimenopause, but they don’t have to be.

And when I talk about a fit belly, I don’t mean rock-hard abs.

Although, let me say congratulations if you’re sporting a 6-pack!

But, just to be clear, abs of steel are awesome but aren’t required to be fit.

What I mean by a FIT belly is:

  • less belly fat hanging over your waistband
  • less bloating
  • less digestive issues
  • less disordered eating
  • less anxiety/worry/stress
  • more core strength and mobility
  • more confidence
  • more good health
  • and more energy

So, in my webinar I’ll be explaining how to get from belly fat, to feeling fitter, healthier, and more in control of your body and mind,

And more specifically, I’ll be speaking about:

  • What’s going on with your changing hormones
  • What you can do, starting today, to lose and prevent belly fat
  • What you can do to get over resistance, and get habits to stick

Of course, what will be most interesting will be to find out WHY you want this in your life.

Do you feel that belly fat, and how you’re feeling in your body at this time, are stopping you from getting what you want in your life?

Or do you feel that being physically fitter will bring you something that’s missing?

Most women I know want to feel good in their bodies as they age.

For many reasons…

  • They want to be as healthy as possible, and keep medications to a minimum
  • They want to continue learning, and growing as a person
  • They still want to accomplish goals like starting a business, learning a new trade, hiking mountains, running marathons, traveling the globe, and being a present and active parent and grand-parent.

And all these things require energy.

They require a healthy body and mind.

They require stepping away from the siren call of more and more comfort, and being willing to get a little uncomfortable.

How do we get there?

From experience, sheer will-power doesn’t seem to work.

And trying the same things we’ve always tried doesn’t lead to the results we want.

So, what needs to change?

That’s what I’m going to talk about in my upcoming webinar.

I’m passionate about healthy aging.

It totally fires me up, because so much of it is in our control.

And that’s a powerful thing.

You can CHOOSE to live your healthiest and best life, well beyond perimenopause and into your 80s, 90s and 100s.

And it’s possible.

It’s soooo possible, and more and more people are doing it.

Are you ready to do it?

If you are, join me on February 17th at noon (that’s Eastern time.)

Let’s do this, ladies!


P.S. Sign up for the free webinar, coming this Wednesday, February 17th at 12pm: https://debbie-harbec.lpages.co/webinar-opt-in-belly-fat-to-belly-fit