No time BUT the PRESENT

Every day that you wake up (which is every day that you’re alive), you can do everything just as you did it yesterday…

Or you can start something new and change the course of the rest of your life.

Daily, you have the choice.

And there’s no use waiting for the perfect time, because there is no perfect time.

It’s Friday, May 3rd and it’s the best day to start exercising, and eating well, and writing that book, and taking a course, and living the life you’ve been putting off living.

Even though it’s not a Monday, or the first day of the month, or the first day of the year, it’s absolutely the BEST DAY to begin!


Because it’s Today, and Today is happening Now.

And Now is really the only time you can do anything.

Because it’s the only time that’s real. 

And that you actually have some control over.

Tomorrow, on the other had, can’t promise that. 

Although it’s super easy to put things off until Tomorrow…

  • “Tomorrow I’ll get up early and exercise,”
  • “Tomorrow I won’t eat dessert,”
  • “Tomorrow will be less busy and I’ll have more time,”
  • “Tomorrow I’ll do things perfectly.”

Tomorrow sounds like it’ll be THE BEST day, doesn’t it?

It sounds like Tomorrow will be the that you’ll finally be that perfect version of you.

But of course, Tomorrow isn’t real.

It only exists in your imagination, and as you might have guessed, it’ll never be perfect (as you might have noticed.)

Last summer I got to see and listen to Eckhart Tolle speak in Montreal.

He’s the one who, ten years ago, through reading his books, opened my eyes to the importance of living in the present moment.

In his book, “The Power of Now,” he writes:

Stress is caused by being ‘here’ but wanting to be ‘there’.”

Just before I discovered Echkhart, I was very stressed.

My relationship had fallen apart, I had to find a new home and move, I had to find work, and I was in over-protective mother mode, trying to shield my girls from the chaos of it all.  

In truth, I was stressed because I wanted to be anywhere but ‘here’.

My Now moments were filled with constant worry about the future, and time spent ruminating about how I was going to manage this new life. 

So I really wasn’t present enough to enjoy playing with my girls, or decorating my new home, or taking care of myself.

I wish I’d have known what I know now!

I would have saved myself a whole lot of pain and guilt and sadness.

And what about you?

What if you practiced being ‘here’ in your body?

I know that you might rather be ‘there’ in your body, in that fantasy shape that doesn’t crave chips and chocolate.

But using your time wishing your body was ‘there’ is actually causing you pain that feels like disappointment and depression.

So, no matter what shape your body’s in, you can actually feel a whole lot better if you can be ‘here’ by accepting it (and maybe eventually even loving it) in the condition it’s in Today.

You can be ‘here’ by making choices and taking actions Now that are good for your body.

And, contrary to what you might think, letting go of the fantasy of your Tomorrow body will free you.

You don’t need to punish yourself with what you think you ‘should’ be in order to get healthier.

In fact, letting go will stop you from constantly thinking and obsessing about your body, and just begin being and doing.

There’s truly no time but the present.

Are you spending a lot of time wishing your body was ‘there’?

I’d love it if you would share in the comments below.

As for me, I know I still spend more time than I’d like thinking about things that have happened or haven’t happened yet.

But I do know I spend more time that I used to living in the moment.

And it’s helped make me feel so much lighter, less burdened.

Knowing that there is only the present, and it’s the only time I have, really changes everything.

Keep moving forward my friend,


2 Replies to “No time BUT the PRESENT”

  1. Hi Debbie how true your observation on how much time we spend,on things that we are not certain of actually happen ning.Today is all we have got now.

    Karen Cobb

    1. Thanks for the comment, Karen 🙂 And you’re right, today is all we’ve got in reality.

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