Do you feel disconnected from your body? Here are 4 ways to reconnect…

When I tried Yoga for the first time about 10 years ago, I realized there was a real disconnect between my mind and my body.

The teacher would say “downward dog”, and then show us her “downward dog”.  Then I’d do my version of “downward dog”, which I was convinced looked just like hers.

Nope.  I was WRONG.

When I finally saw my “downward dog” in the mirror, I couldn’t believe it!  It looked more like an “n” than the beautiful upside down “v” that I’d thought it was.

My back was hunched, my head was squeezed between my shoulders, and I was barely using my hands.  How come I couldn’t feel all this?

It seems that the image I had in my mind of the teacher in the pose, didn’t translate as smoothly as I thought it would into my body.

That was a bit of a wake-up call for me.

With so much going on in my busy-mom life at the time, I hadn’t been paying attention to my own body, and I guess I had forgotten how to communicate with it.

Now, fast forward almost ten years, and I can FEEL when my downward dog isn’t aligned.  I know without even looking if my back is long and stretched rather than rounded, and if my hips, knees, ankles, and feet are where they should be.

I can FEEL my body in space.  I never even knew that was a thing!

Basically, through regular Yoga practice, as well as some meditation, my mind and body RECONNECTED.

I’ve since discovered that this mind-body DISCONNECTION, that I experienced so many years ago, is widespread.

Maybe you’ve experienced one or more of these common mind-body disconnections:

  • You look at the scale for feedback on how your fitness program is working, rather than checking in with how strong or energetic your body feels.
  • You use calorie counting to determine how much or how little you should eat rather than hunger signals
  • You look to the clock to tell you when you should wake up, eat, go to the bathroom,…
  • You ignore physical or even emotional pain…

When you disconnect the mind and body, you look to outside sources to tell you what to do (such as calories, time, weight,…).  But when your mind and body are connected, you’re AWARE of your body and TRUST in your own built-in systems to tell you what to do (such as hunger signals, energy level, fatigue, intuition,…).

And the truth is that being AWARE of your body is associated with better all-around health, while being disconnected tends to lead to less optimal health outcomes.  It makes sense doesn’t it?

In fact, a stronger mind-body connection is equated with healthier weight, less stress and anxiety, better self-esteem and self-confidence, and more feelings of joy, calm, and empathy towards others.

So if you’re currently feeling disconnected, how do you reconnect your body and mind?

Here are 4 great ways of RECONNECTING that I’ve used myself, and I believe they can help you too:

1. Do a daily body scan

The best way to be aware of your body is to take time to really pay attention to it… every day.

Take just 2 minutes at first to sit quietly, with your eyes closed, and mentally scan your body from head to toe.  Notice any discomfort, tension, sensations, or just the rise and fall of your body with each breath.

Then after your scan is complete, write down anything you noticed.

That’s it!  With time, you can increase the length of your scan.

2. Try mind-body movement

Yoga, Tai Chi, Qigong, martial arts, and Pilates are all great physical practices that incorporate both the mind and body.  Each of these activities uses the breath, the body, and some form of meditation to help unite you not only in body and mind, but in collective spirit as well.

3. Go for a massage

The magic of touch is another great way of bringing the body and mind together.   Through massage you can FEEL your body again through the hands of another person.  And massage can also help decrease stress and anxiety, improve your circulation, and allow you to disconnect from the outside world… for a little while.

4. Eat slowly

This is a biggie.

Food is a huge part of our physical experience:  We need it several times a day for energy, but we also use it for comfort, celebration, reunion, and pleasure.

The issue is that, for the most part, we just gobble it all up and don’t think much about the food or its effect as we dig in.

By eating slowly, you have the opportunity to really experience food and its effect of your body.  The smell, the taste, the texture, the feeling it gives you, and the gratitude you have for it.

Eating becomes a much richer, more sensual experience when done slowly.

So, why not take the time to eat a little slower for one meal today?  Just put your fork down between each bite and savour it.

Bon appétit!

Keep moving forward,


P.P.S. As always, if you’re interested in taking your health and fitness to the next level, I offer a free consultationJust email me at or book a time that works for you.

3 Replies to “Do you feel disconnected from your body? Here are 4 ways to reconnect…”

  1. Unfortunately I read your blog after supper. I’ve always, always eaten too fast. I have to keep on trying. Where there is will there is hope. I read all your articles. Love them. You are such an inspiration Debbie. Thanks! Couldn’t ask for a better coach than you. Very glad to have met you. You have made me come out of my comfort zone. You made me see that I am capable of much more than I’m aware.


  2. Hi Debbie,
    I always enjoy reading your blogs! They are always easy to read and insightful.
    Thank you for taking the time to write these blogs, I really appreciate it!

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