How to get up off the couch

Many times the problem isn’t choosing what to do.

The problem is choosing to do anything at all.

It feels like you’re stuck on the couch.

It’s not true of course, you’re free to get up and move.

But what’s happening is you’re feeling a complete lack of motivation, inspiration, desire,…

It feels like all emotion has left your body, and all you feel is empty and numb.

And part of you wants to feel numb.

It seems easier than doing something, and feeling something.

Numb feels neutral.

Except it’s not.

It’s actually negatively impacting your life in some way.

You’re checked-out, and when that happens you can’t experience the bad, but you also can’t experience the good.

You’re not present, not available, and unable to do anything for yourself and others.

I’m not immune to this feeling.

I feel the pull towards numbing myself when I feel lonely, uncertain, or overwhelmed.

And it seems the pandemic has been handing me these emotions on a platter.

So, I’ve indulged a little in my numbing strategies which are Netflix, an extra glass of wine, and flipping through Facebook.

Maybe even all three at the same time (not proud of that.)

We’re all human, and when we’re feeling certain unpleasant emotions, our unconscious reaction is to want to escape.

And numbing is an easy way to escape.

But it’s got many negative consequences:

Weight gain, feeling drained and exhausted, disconnection in our relationships, financial debt, illness, …

When you drown your emotions, you drag down all the aspects of your life.

So, how can you take that step from numb to getting off the couch?

You need a pattern interrupt, something quick and simple to change your thoughts and ideas.

Here are some things that I’ve found can work:

1. Do one thing

Pick anything, something simple that feels like it can lead to progress.

And then GO DO IT.

It can be as simple as putting that pile of laundry away, kissing your husband, or doing 5 squats.

Whatever it is that can give you a little hit of feel good energy.

A little sense of accomplishment.

But you need to do it.

I know you’re reading this right now, but knowing what to do and ACTUALLY DOING something are two very different things.

I’m sure you’ve heard it all before.

But, be honest with yourself, have you actually DONE IT?

2. Take a cold shower

It will – I promise – snap you right out of that no-good, non-feeling.

Cold water will wake you up!

However, because it can be a shock to the system, take it slowly and maybe avoid it if you do have any heart-related issues.

Do it at the end of a regular shower, just turn the hot water off and stand for 30 seconds under the cold.

Woo hoo! You’ll feel that!

Or if you want to try it right now, or are a little nervous about the whole shower thing, initiate yourself with splashing cold water on your face.

Cold water makes you more alert, and instantly boosts your mood.

I start my day by splashing cold water on my face, I find it really wakes me up and instantly energizes me.

If you’re intrigued in this idea of cold, it might be interesting to check out Vim Hof and the benefits of cold showers.

3. Stand outside and breathe

No matter what the weather.

Get outside and feel the sun on your skin, or the rain on your face, or the snow on your tongue.

You don’t even need to walk anywhere.

Just stand outside your front door.

Close your eyes and take 5 deep breaths.

Really allow yourself to feel these breaths in your body, smell the air.

Revel in the miracle of life, that your body is breathing life into you every few seconds.

All the time.

No matter how you feel.

And before you go back inside, thank your body, no matter what shape it’s in, for giving you life.

4. Share the struggle

It you’re getting frustrated with yourself for wasting time escaping, then it’s time to share.

Struggling alone won’t help you.

But instead of sharing on social media, though, I suggest sharing with someone personally.

Put it out there to a real person.

Ask for help.

And then ask them to help you be ACCOUNTABLE for what you want to get done.

This is the part that will help put you into action.

Choose someone close to you but who will be objective, or choose someone more neutral like a therapist or a coach.

Just take the step of reaching out.

And do it in the moment you’re feeling it.

I was just on a call with my coach.

We were talking about the difference of being the Observer and the Creator in your life.

When you escape, or numb, you’re like a random person in the audience watching the movie of YOUR life.

You’re sitting in the theater, eating popcorn, and just watching YOUR story play out.

As the Observer, you don’t even have a role in your own movie.

But when you’re the Creator, you’re like the STAR of your movie.

You’re making things happen, and the rest of the cast is there to support you.

This is the way your life should be.

You should be the STAR of your own movie.

Creating what is YOUR life.

And leaving the couch and popcorn behind.

What do you think?

Keep moving forward, my friend.


P.S. I can help you get off the couch, and I’m taking on a few new coaching clients this spring.

Book a FREE session to find out more about coaching with me:

P.P.S. A new season of Yoga is coming, starting officially on March 18th for 10 weeks.

If you’d like to joing us for the spring, just sign up here:

4 Replies to “How to get up off the couch”

  1. Your comments are helpful and encouraging.
    Staying on the couch or in other words feeling numb, uncertain, unmotivated and more can easily become a norm and a comfort that one can live with.
    I am working on the cold shower!!! The weather is improving and even just reaching out and saying hi to a complete stranger makes a difference in the day.
    Thank you…..

    1. Thanks Ineke! I agree that with the weather getting warmer in this hemisphere, and getting outdoors and seeing other people, makes a difference in our mood and motivation 🙂

  2. Well said as usual Debbie. When I look back on the years I can definitely see that I was being the Observer and I think I would actually comment that it felt like my life was a movie being controlled by who knows. I’m ready to be the Creator and I know that it only starts by doing one thing right! Great blog post girl and thank you for what you do each day for us 😊

    1. I love that you’re ready to be the Creator of your life, Lareina! I think so many of us wake up to the fact, especially in the middle of our lives, that we haven’t been the star of our own movies. Now you’re on your way to taking back the reins!

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