Do you have Summer Belly?

Summer is definitely here, and if you’re living in the east of Canada, like me, it’s a beautiful one so far.

Of course, with summer comes more skin.

And maybe you’re noticing your belly isn’t as bikini-ready as you wanted it.

Is it your changing hormones?

Ya, maybe.

If you’re getting close to, or are smack-dab in the middle of menopause, then this is possible.

In that case, you may have some extra belly protruding around, or just below, your belly button.

But there may be another explanation.

Could your belly bloating woes be seasonal?

Summer brings changes to your diet, and possibly bodily reactions to heat and humidity.

You may notice you’re consuming more wine, beer, or mixed drinks; or more sugary drinks like lemonade, iced coffees, and sports drinks; or sweet treats like ice cream and popsicles.

All of a sudden what you thought was hormone belly, may really be summer belly, caused an over consumption of sugar or alcohol.

Or, maybe your body reacts to hot, humid weather by retaining water.

This can cause bloating not only in your belly, but also in many others parts of your body.

And it’s worsened with diuretics like coffee and alcohol.

So what can you do to reduce summer belly, and get back to feeling more confident (or dare I say, SEXY) in your swim suit this summer?

1. Be aware of what you’re drinking, and why

With summer barbecues, weekend pool parties, vacations, and just hot weather in general, it’s easy to overdo the rosée or the piña coladas.

And extra alcohol can lead to extra belly, especially higher up towards your diaphragm (around the bottom of your rib cage.)

So it’s definitely important to be aware of what you’re drinking and how much (making sure that your glass isn’t being magically refilled between sips.)

And it’s also super important to ask yourself if you really want the drink in you hand, and why.

Just by asking yourself these two questions, you can bring yourself back to consciousness, and make better decisions.

If it’s just a matter of you being hot and you’re drinking to cool down, go for cold water or flavored, unsweetened sparkling water.

If it’s a matter of feeling left out or deprived, try tempering your drinks, filling half the glass with sparkling water first.

Of course, if nothing seems to work, and alcohol is your vice, know that you aren’t alone, and consider getting some coaching or joining a support group.

Because too much alcohol, especially in summer, can lead to heat stroke, as well as fatty liver, pancreatitis, and heart problems.

2. Check out the sugar

Sugar is a big part of the stuff we love in summertime.

Ice cream, popsicles, slushies, lemonade, iced tea, and iced coffees are all super popular right now.

(I happened to notice there were no Haagen Dazs bars to be had at my grocery store this week… Sold out!)

Unfortunately, all these yummy treats are filled with sugar… Lots of sugar.

Check out the box/bottle next time you’re at the store.

And just as with alcohol, sugar is addictive.

It’s hard to stop once you’ve started.

So it’s important to have a plan (instead of forbid the sweet treat.)

You can have that Chocolats Favoris cone dipped in fleur-de-sel caramel/chocolate (you may be familiar with this place if you live in and around Montreal.)

But plan it first.

For example, the weekend is coming up.

Saturday night you want to take the family out for ice cream.

That’s great!

Now you know when you’re going.

But where will you go?

And what will you order?  A cone, a sundae, a milkshake? 

What size?

Know the specifics before you set foot in the place.

Then order exactly what you planned.

And appreciate that you made a plan and stuck to it, you can be trusted.

Then enjoy every single lick and bite (no guilt allowed when you follow your plan!)

3. Pass on the salt

If you find yourself puffing up in summer for no reason, you likely have an issue with heat and humidity.

In this case, not only your belly will be swollen, but so will your ankles, hands, and other areas too.

And the thing to watch out for is salt.

Retaining water is usually related to your body’s salt concentration.

By reducing foods that are high in sodium, and drinks that dehydrate (caffeinated or alcoholic ones), you can reduce this tendency.

In addition, foods that help balance your salt are good, especially those foods high in potassium like salmon, beet greens, potatoes, avocadoes, bananas, and tomatoes.

If you stay away from the highly salted, packaged snack foods, and stick with more fresh veggies and fruit, you can reduce the bloat.

And of course, limit – or even eliminate at least for this season – alcohol and caffeine.

You may just begin to feel a whole lot slimmer, and breathe a whole lot easier.

Do you find that your summer habits are affecting your belly?

I decided to write this post because personally I’ve been noticing my own tendency to drink a little more and indulge in sweet treats that I don’t even think about the rest of the year.

And there are people in my life who have had serious health issues related to alcohol consumption.

Especially in summertime.

Summer should be enjoyed and savored, and I’m all for celebrating the season.

But there are consequences to all that we overdo.

And as we get a little older – and hopefully wiser – our bodies need love and attention more than ever.

So, here’s to a fun-filled, getting-together-with-people-you-love, and super healthy summer, that includes more self-love and less temporary pleasures.

Keep moving forward my friend,


P.S. If you’re looking to lose the hormone belly, or even summer belly, then join me this fall with a group of lovely ladies for my online group coaching program, Belly Fit and Fabulous,

Who is this group for?

Women who want to lose belly fat, are going through the hormonal changes of perimenopause or full-on menopause, and who want to lose at least 25 lbs.

Stay tuned for more information, or contact me by replying to this email if this interests you. I’d love to hear from you!

2 Replies to “Do you have Summer Belly?”

    1. Awesome Angie! I’ll be sending out more information about this group in the next couple of weeks. I’d love if you could join us!

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