Ok, so I’ve got a NEW CHALLENGE for you.
It starts January 1st!
It’s been a while since I’ve launched one, and with 2019 right around the corner, this is the perfect time.

Nutrition includes any food or nutrition related posts
Ok, so I’ve got a NEW CHALLENGE for you.
It starts January 1st!
It’s been a while since I’ve launched one, and with 2019 right around the corner, this is the perfect time.
It’s coming!
I’m rolling out a new, free 45-minute webinar for you next Tuesday.
It’s all about belly fat and hormones… but really it’s about so much more.
As your hormones are changing (over 40, heading to or through menopause), your body and mind are changing too.
Belly fat can be one part of that, maybe the most noticeable for some of us.
But you may also be feeling down or irritable. Or you may be having trouble sleeping. Or maybe you’re getting headaches or peeing more often.
That’s why I created this webinar, so I can teach you the essentials:
Because when your hormones are happy, your body and your mind. are happy too.
So, take a couple of minutes to watch the short video below, and then simply sign up by clicking on the big turquoise button.
Remember, it’s free, and it’ll be live Tuesday, December 11th at 11am EST.
And if you can’t make it live, register anyways, the recording will be sent only to those who registered.
Thanks and I’m looking forward to having you online with me on Tuesday!
Keep moving forward my friend,
P.S. In case you missed the link above, you can register for the webinar right here:
I don’t believe in one food that does it all.
We hear a lot of extreme messages from the media that sound like “Eat this super food, it’ll make all your problems go away!”
But the reality is that no food acts alone.
All foods act and react together. And the environment and the body itself are also part of this reaction.
However, each food offers unique benefits and flax is one that I want to highlight.
So I’m going to give you the facts on flax 🙂
Continue reading “Just the flax ma’am: The health benefits of flax for women over 40”
I love this topic because I think hunger is the key to so many breakthroughs: Physical and emotional.
However, most of us aren’t comfortable with feeling hungry.
Hunger feels unpleasant and urgent.
And the human brain, because it was created thousands of years ago, is still seeking pleasure and avoiding pain in order to survive… So it’s not interested in being hungry.
In essence, our brain’s primitive survival function is working against us in today’s over-abundance world.
So, if you’ve got belly fat to lose, or you’re battling inflammation, or you’re suffering menopausal symptoms like hot flashes or night sweats, or you’re eating to avoid feeling certain emotions…
Learning to be hungry could change everything for you.
This week I decided to try something different.
I’m bringing my blog to you in video… I guess then it’s called a vlog.
It’s about the 4 hormones you should know about, especially if you’re heading to or through menopause.
And especially if you’re interested in less belly fat.
Also, I’ve put together a freebie for you.
It’s a PDF with the foods, 3 meal plans, guidelines and resources that can help you lessen the symptoms of menopause – including the gut.
Here’s the link to the freebie:
And here’s this week’s vlog:
Thanks for watching and don’t forget to grab your freebie!!
Keep moving forward my friend,
Weight loss is a tough process.
I won’t sugar coat it.
Change – that is any type of change including weight loss – is uncomfortable.
But if the change is positive, pushing through the discomfort will strengthen every aspect of your being.
I know for a fact having personally gone through divorce, starting a business, and working with clients who’ve lost a lot of weight, making positive changes on purpose makes you more resilient, energized, and present in your life.
So, if you’ve got a lot to lose, and you’re ready to get it done, here’s how I recommend tackling it:
You might have thought about keeping a food journal, but have you ever really done it?
If you have, maybe you discovered that it was useful in helping you lose weight, or uncovering a food intolerance, or just becoming more aware of what you’ve been eating.
It’s a tool I suggest to all my clients because I know it can work for all these reasons.
But there’s also one thing I want you to watch out for when using a food journal.
Continue reading “Food Journals: Can they help you lose weight?”
This coming Wednesday is Halloween.
When the kids were younger, I loved getting them dressed up and walking door-to-door, seeing all the neighbors out and about.
And of course, I loved those mini chocolate bars… especially the O-Henry’s.
But I didn’t have to wait for Halloween night to enjoy them.
Because Halloween starts around the beginning of September, just as the kids are getting back to school and summer is fading.
That’s when boxes and bags of mini chocolate bars, lollipops, caramels, chips, and chewy become prominently displayed in the local Walmart, Cosco, and grocery stores.
Because the candy makers know, and the stores know, that you and me, we don’t just buy this stuff for the kids.
We buy it for ourselves.
Continue reading “3 simple tips for walking right by the Halloween candy”
Last week I wrote about how I created the habit of taking the stairs.
Part of the making of this habit – the BIGGEST part – was taking the stairs, every day, no matter what.
Because doing it every day is the only way it could become a forever-habit.
And that’s where most of us get thrown off course.
As I write this, I’ve got a cold.
It started with a sore throat, then went into my nose, and now it’s a cough.
I’m sure you know what all that feels like.
And I’m not alone, my family has been lucky enough to be suffering along with me.
As much as I don’t like having a cold, the good thing is that forces me to slow down.
When I slow down, I take the time to rest… and make soup.