Make your health your most valuable investment

Working with women over 40, many women I meet are focused on building wealth.

They’re asking for raises or getting promoted.

They’re finding ways to create passive income, and get their money working for them.

They’re hiring financial advisors and wealth managers to help them get to their goals.

I love that so many women are kicking ass financially.

And, it’s also made me think.

The principles of building wealth are pretty much the same as those that build health.

The big difference is currency.

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Energize yourself by going GREEN this summer

I would never have thought a color could affect health.

But colors do impact us.

Not only emotionally and psychologically, but physically as well.

GREEN, in particular, is a color that not only represents health and well-being…

It can literally transform your health and well-being.

GREEN is also associated with growth, renewal, and calm.

So, I think we could all use a little more green in our lives.

I mean, if a color can make you healthier, why not make it work for you?

Here are some ideas for introducing more GREEN into your life this summer:

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How to Meal Plan for Less Stress and Better Health

Does the thought of meal planning bring up feelings of dread?

You’re not alone.

I used to dread doing this, too.

But, in a past life, when I ran a home daycare, I had to learn this skill.

Over time, I got really good at it.

And it’s actually become something I look forward to, and now I even find it kind of fun.

Yes, fun.

Not just for the activity itself, but also for what it brings me.

However, I know that to you, it can seem like anything but fun.

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Getting organized for better health

Have you ever watched “Get Organized with The Home Edit” on Netflix?

I’m obsessed!

Although I’ve never been an organization freak, this show makes me want to be one.

Seeing the home spaces they organize, so beautifully arranged by function and color, just makes me feel good.

And, on the flip-side, I know that when I see cluttered and chaotic spaces in my house, I don’t feel good.

It feels like total overwhelm and sadness.

It stresses me.

And you know, if you’ve been reading my posts, that stress is a huge barrier to weight loss, fitness, and a healthier life.

So, just by organizing your environment you can feel better, in every way.

But organizing isn’t just about your home environment.

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Do you need Hormone Therapy (aka HRT)?

I’ve had several questions about this topic.

So, I decided to write this post.

And give you a few references (below).

Before diving in, I just want to preface by saying I’m not a hormone expert.

And I’m not a doctor (and don’t even play one on tv.)

So, everything I’m writing here is based on information I’ve gathered from books, articles, and studies (I’ve included a few references below.)

With that out of the way, here’s the most important thing I know…

Menopause is a natural event in a woman’s life (I know that sounds a little like sex ed 101, but bear with me…)

What I mean is that menopause is normal.

It’s not a condition that needs to be fixed or medicated.

Continue reading “Do you need Hormone Therapy (aka HRT)?”

Personal Trainer versus Life Coach

Before becoming a life coach, I was a personal trainer.

And I loved personal training.

I would work with my clients, in their homes, giving them effective workouts in line with their physical goals.

For most, it was weight loss.

As their trainer, I’d support them, encourage them, and teach them how to do each exercise correctly.

And I’d help them stay accountable for getting their workouts done.

Which was great.

And personal training can definitely be an important part of your fitness journey.


Continue reading “Personal Trainer versus Life Coach”

3 Ways to Release Belly Fat Without Dieting

What’s the best diet for losing this flabby belly?”

Great question.

I get asked versions of this question a lot… As you can imagine.

And I know that when women ask me this, they’re looking for a prescriptive answer…

Eat this,” or “Avoid that,” or “Just follow the _______ diet.”

Want to know the truth?

Almost ALL DIETS can help you lose weight and release fat.

Even belly fat.

So, Keto, clean, Paleo, vegan, vegetarian, Mediterranean, flexitarian, Weight Watchers,…

They can all lead to the fat loss you’re looking for.


Continue reading “3 Ways to Release Belly Fat Without Dieting”