Yes, I’m an early riser.
Just me admitting that, might be annoying to you. Sorry…
But there’s just something I find so uplifting and peaceful about morning.
And to be honest, I actually find it pretty cool knowing that I’m up while most of the world is still soundly sleeping.
In addition to the cool factor, I also find that early morning is the best time for my brain and body.
When I was in university, cramming for exams, I’d be in bed at 9pm and up at 4am to get in those last couple of hours of studying. Yes, I was weird that way, but early morning study was always much more more focused for me.
I’ve also gotten some of my best and most creative writing done between the hours of 3 and 6 am.
And most notably, when I work out in the morning, I have more energy and enthusiasm for the rest of my day than when I don’t.
Now, aside from the energy and enthusiasm I just mentioned, getting your workout done first thing in the morning, gives you no need for excuses at the end of the day.
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