Getting organized for better health

Have you ever watched “Get Organized with The Home Edit” on Netflix?

I’m obsessed!

Although I’ve never been an organization freak, this show makes me want to be one.

Seeing the home spaces they organize, so beautifully arranged by function and color, just makes me feel good.

And, on the flip-side, I know that when I see cluttered and chaotic spaces in my house, I don’t feel good.

It feels like total overwhelm and sadness.

It stresses me.

And you know, if you’ve been reading my posts, that stress is a huge barrier to weight loss, fitness, and a healthier life.

So, just by organizing your environment you can feel better, in every way.

But organizing isn’t just about your home environment.

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Why Yoga leads to a better perimenopause experience

Your hormones may be a little chaotic these days.

I know mine are.

For me, I notice it in my cycle which has been unpredictable over the past few months.

I get heart palpitations every so often.

I get bloated more easily.

I’m more prone to gaining belly fat.

I feel more aches and pains in my joints.

And I had a few months of acid reflux.

Stress is definitely something that makes these things appear or get worse for me.

Continue reading “Why Yoga leads to a better perimenopause experience”

How to get it done when you don’t feel like it

Here’s a post from a few years ago.

It’s a subject that’s always relevant, and that I coach on regularly.

So I hope you get what you need from it.

This morning I woke up at 5:30.

Last night, before going to bed, I planned to get up this morning, bright and early, to do my work-out. 

I knew what I wanted to get done (I wrote it down), why I was doing it (Spartan race this Saturday!), where I was going (the park across the street),  and what I was going to wear (I took out my shorts, tank top, and socks last night).

But despite good planning, the truth was I didn’t “feel like” working out this morning.

Continue reading “How to get it done when you don’t feel like it”

How to reinvent yourself in mid-life

So many women I meet are feeling a sort of unease, unhappiness, or general anxiety.

And they know, deep inside, that something needs to change.

But what?

Maybe you’re familiar with this feeling.

And maybe you think you already know the change you want to make

You want to change your career.

Or start a business.

Or leave a relationship.

Or start new relationships.

Or transform your body.

Or just become a more authentic version of you.

And maybe you don’t know.

So, it would seem like the best place to start is by asking yourself a question:

“What do I want?”

It’s only four words, but it can be the hardest question to answer.

It feels overwhelming.

I think it’s because it’s so wide open.

And it’s something so many of us have never really asked ourselves, at least not recently.

Then, if you attempt to answer it, you may be bombarded with self-doubt and self-judgment, making it really hard to come up with what you truly want.

So, I think a much better question to start with is:

Continue reading “How to reinvent yourself in mid-life”

Personal Trainer versus Life Coach

Before becoming a life coach, I was a personal trainer.

And I loved personal training.

I would work with my clients, in their homes, giving them effective workouts in line with their physical goals.

For most, it was weight loss.

As their trainer, I’d support them, encourage them, and teach them how to do each exercise correctly.

And I’d help them stay accountable for getting their workouts done.

Which was great.

And personal training can definitely be an important part of your fitness journey.


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Self-Compassion as a Weight Loss Tool

The curious paradox is that when I accept myself as I am, then I can change.” – Carl Rogers, Psychologist

Self-compassion as acceptance

I think our biggest struggles come from not accepting what is and who we are.

And it shows up in a word:


  • “I should be further along by now.”
  • “I should know better.”
  • “I should be exercising more.”
  • “I should eat this, and I should stop eating that.”

When you’re “shoulding” yourself, it’s because you haven’t accepted yourself or your actual situation.

Continue reading “Self-Compassion as a Weight Loss Tool”

3 Ways to Release Belly Fat Without Dieting

What’s the best diet for losing this flabby belly?”

Great question.

I get asked versions of this question a lot… As you can imagine.

And I know that when women ask me this, they’re looking for a prescriptive answer…

Eat this,” or “Avoid that,” or “Just follow the _______ diet.”

Want to know the truth?

Almost ALL DIETS can help you lose weight and release fat.

Even belly fat.

So, Keto, clean, Paleo, vegan, vegetarian, Mediterranean, flexitarian, Weight Watchers,…

They can all lead to the fat loss you’re looking for.


Continue reading “3 Ways to Release Belly Fat Without Dieting”

Create MAGIC this year


The dictionary says it’s, “influencing something to occur through forces beyond what we can understand.”

By that definition, it sounds like IMAGINATION is MAGIC.

We don’t quite understand it.

And yet it causes amazing things to happen.

Imagination is behind every single invention we have in our world.

The car you drive, the art on your wall, the meal on your plate, and the phone in your pocket.

It’s all magic.

But I think IMAGINATION is just where magic starts.

Continue reading “Create MAGIC this year”