Once upon a time, there was a donut and a chicken breast…

Hey there!

Here’s a blog post appeared late last summer… I got some of the most interesting responses from my audience.

So, I decided to re-publish it.

Not only because it was full of good info, but also because vacation is calling my name…

Enjoy and have a great week!

Have you ever tried to “eat less and exercise more”? 

Did it work for you?

Although this method can work, for a lot of you, losing weight isn’t usually that simple.

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Becoming a WARRIOR

Several years ago I came to yoga on my knees (metaphorically, but almost literally).

I was an injured runner, and a more pathetic creature there is not.

In search of something to get my mind off running, and at the same time find a no-impact activity I could actually do with my hairline-fractured pelvis, I discovered yoga.

Conveniently, there was a lunchtime yoga class offered where I was working, so I decided to try it out.

Although I felt AWKWARD and UNCOORDINATED in that first class (and for most of that first year), I noticed that afterwards my body felt RENEWED.

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So your teen wants to go vegetarian? Here are 4 ways you can guide them…

If you’re the parent of a teen, it’s likely that food and/or nutrition have been issues at some point.

The need for your teen to assert themselves as individuals, mixed with food aversions, as well as an increased awareness of where their food comes from, how it got to the table, and what effect it has on their bodies…

Well, all that can make for, at the very least, colorful conversations, or at worst, ugly confrontations at the dinner table.

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Do you feel disconnected from your body? Here are 4 ways to reconnect…

When I tried Yoga for the first time about 10 years ago, I realized there was a real disconnect between my mind and my body.

The teacher would say “downward dog”, and then show us her “downward dog”.  Then I’d do my version of “downward dog”, which I was convinced looked just like hers.

Nope.  I was WRONG.

Continue reading “Do you feel disconnected from your body? Here are 4 ways to reconnect…”