Why you aren’t exercising

You want to be healthy.

Maybe you want to lose weight, or feel better in your body, or not get sick.

And you know that exercise is important.

You know that you’ve got to do it.

You kind of want to do it.

Well, at least you know you want the results of doing it.

But you’re not doing it.

Not consistently.

Even though you’ve got the gym membership, the cute workout clothing, the new shoes, the treadmill, the time,…

You’re still not doing it.

Continue reading “Why you aren’t exercising”

Can you lose fat by breathing?

Being an engineer, I’m a bit of a science geek.

Especially when it comes to the science of the body.

So, if you’re also a science geek, or even if you’re not, I bet you learned The Law of Conservation of Mass.

Basically that’s the law that says in any chemical reaction, mass is neither created or destroyed.

So, here’s a good question for you:

How does fat loss work?

I mean, if you lose fat, and that fat mass doesn’t just disappear, what does it become?

Continue reading “Can you lose fat by breathing?”

How to plan what, when, and how to eat to lose belly fat

Do you know what’s for dinner tonight?

If you don’t yet know, then this post is especially for you.

If you want to lose belly fat, or any fat, or just move your health needle a little closer to GREAT HEALTH, I believe this is the number one thing to do:

Plan exactly when, what, and how to eat.

Now, you may be rolling your eyes at me right now.

Continue reading “How to plan what, when, and how to eat to lose belly fat”

How to start your day motivated

How do you start your day?

If you’re trying to adopt a new habit, or get rid of an old one, how you start your day can actually make a huge difference to your success.

What I’m talking about is a morning routine.

But by routine, I don’t mean brushing your teeth, showering, and eating breakfast.

What I mean is a routine that you can do first thing in the morning, that gets you on track for what you WANT to get done in your day.

Continue reading “How to start your day motivated”

Why “Eat less, Exercise more” doesn’t work

It seems like this is the advice that’s we’ve been given forever for fat loss.

Just eat less and exercise more.

And it’s still popular, despite the evidence to the contrary.

It’s based on the theory of “calories in, calories out.”

Eat less calories, and burn more calories.

It’s exactly what I learned when I studied to be a personal trainer 15 years ago.

But it turns out that calories have never been the issue.

Continue reading “Why “Eat less, Exercise more” doesn’t work”

Getting uncomfortable to make change happen

This moving away from comfort and security, this stepping out into what is unknown, uncharted, and shaky – that’s called liberation.”

― Pema Chödrön

I love Pema.
I read her words and listen to her voice when things are tough.
And right now, I need her words.

Because lately, I’ve been confronted with difficult emotions, as I know most of us have.

Continue reading “Getting uncomfortable to make change happen”

Finding your calm during a pandemic

I actually wrote this post a couple of years ago.

But I think it’s particularly useful in this moment.

Because I wrote it at a time when I was personally experiencing a lot of anxiety, and someone close to me had just had an anxiety attack.

Now, collectively, we’re experiencing a time of uncertainty and that’s causing a lot of anxiety.

And anxiety it’s important to acknowledge that anxiety is a normal human feeling.

It’s not something we can get rid of.

But it is something we can bring awareness to, and actually address using simple, calm ideas.

So, here’s the post I wrote, with some minor changes:

The way I deal with life’s challenges:  I run away from them

Actually I really do, but maybe not in the way it sounds.

When I’m stressed, when I’m faced with difficult decisions, or when life just feels heavy, I’ve learned that going outside for run or walk lightens my load and uplifts me.

Running from my problems makes them seem smaller.

I don’t know why exactly this is.

Maybe it’s the endorphins from the cardio, or focusing on something else other than the issue, or the perspective of the vastness of the outdoor space that I’m running in.

It’s probably all the above.

All I know is that running outside works for me.

The reason I bring this up is that someone very close to me suffered a severe panic attack recently.

And we had to call an ambulance.

Continue reading “Finding your calm during a pandemic”