5 Ways to Thrive Through the Holiday Food Frenzy

So, temptation has arrived.

Goodies of all sorts are available and waiting for you.

And you want to dive in.

But you don’t want to.

And you want to indulge and let loose.

But you don’t really want to.

Part of you loves this time of year, and wants to try all the things.

But another part of you wants this year to be different.

She doesn’t want to gain the five pounds, or feel crappy and bloated, or have the whole holiday revolve around food.

That’s the part of you that I’m talking to.

It’s her turn to step up.

Not as the wicked witch, taking away all your fun.

But more like Glinda, the good witch, who wants you to have fun, but helps you remember where you want to go.

You inner Glinda can shine this holiday season.

Here’s what she can do – even without a magic wand:

1. Choose your treats NOW

Start today.

Think of all the treats you REALLY want to have this holiday season.

Write them down.

For me, there are treats I just can’t pass up like shortbread cookies, Lindt chocolate, pumpkin pie, and gingerbread.

And then pick a day, a time, and how much you’re going to have.

So, if you want one Lindt chocolate a day for the month of December, then write it down.

Or if you want to have two pieces of pumpkin pie for dessert at you mom’s house, then write it down.

I know this may seem like a tedious exercise.

But when you see it in written, in black and white, it makes you so much more AWARE.

Because the problem with overdoing it during the holidays ISN’T the food.

The problem happens when you eat the food without being really aware of what you’re eating, how much you’re eating, and why you’re even eating it.

Writing stuff down gets stuff done.

I swear by it.

2. Donate your edible gifts

Many of us get treats as gifts over the holidays.

And we sort of feel obligated to eat them.

But you’re not.

You are NOT obligated to eat the gifts of food you are given.

(And you can blame me if this causes any problems for you.)

Don’t eat them, donate them.

If they’re items that you didn’t previously write down in STEP 1, then give them away.

Give them to a neighbor, a family member, or a food bank.

Just give them away with a full heart and a happy tummy.

‘Tis the season after all.

3. Make your kitchen a holiday-free zone

I’m not trying to be Scrooge here.

I just want to suggest that you keep your kitchen free of holiday foods.

Until the last minute.

Only bring them in when you plan to eat them.

But don’t have them hanging around tempting you.

That’s just asking for trouble.

So, go ahead and decorate every other room in your house.

But keep the kitchen free of any holiday edibles (well, you know what I mean😉).

4. Balance the booze

If holiday cheer is calling you, go to back to STEP 1.

Plan your drinks ahead of time.

And when you do decide to partake, have a glass of water after a glass of wine.

Or dilute your festive drink with sparkling water or juice.

Or replace it altogether, and try out a new mocktail recipe.

Lowering your alcohol intake has soooo many benefits including better sleep, less stomach issues, and a much happier and healthier liver.

5. Join my 5-Day Eating for Happy Hormones Challenge

in this challenge, I offer some valuable strategies around food and eating.

Strategies that can help you eat less and eat better through the holidays, and beyond.

Strategies that will help you release fat, gain control, and feel soooo much more confident around food.

Without restriction or deprivation.

You can join this recorded challenge AT ANY TIME, and it’s free and simple to sign up.

Are you ready to feel great – not guilt – through the holidays?

I think of the holidays as an amazing training ground.

An opportunity to learn new habits.

It only takes a small change to make a big difference.

You can do it.

You CAN do it.

Keep moving forward my friend,


P.S. Do you want to change your relationship with food? And feel good instead of guilt? dWork with me… Join me for my 6-month Midlife and Menopause Coaching Program… Start by booking a free consultation 🙂