4 Ways to Get Your Daily Dose of Exercise

Ahhh, exercise.

We all enjoy the effects of it, but a lot of the time we don’t really want to do it.

That includes me.

However, I’m in the habit now of exercising daily, and I can truly say it’s just part of my routine (I actually get up 25 minutes earlier to do it because mornings are my best time.)

And it feels so good, that I just want to keep doing it… Really!

So what can you do to make exercise just a regular part of your day?

Here are a few ideas:

1. Compact it

Your workouts don’t have to be a production.

In fact, making your workout long, or far from home, can pretty much ensure you won’t keep it up through thick and thin.

Instead, choose compact workouts.

I’m talking 15 minutes.

If it takes just 15 minutes to complete a workout, you’re more likely to do it, do it more often, and be more efficient i.e. you pack more in to your limited time.

You get all the benefits – calorie burn, lower blood pressure, less intense/frequent menopause symptoms, fat loss – in a fraction of the time.

Try using an app (I use 8 Fit, but there are many others), intensify a walk, or do 5 push-ups and 10 jumping jacks every minute.

There are a million ways you can create an action packed, compact workout.

2. Get the party started!

What makes you want to move?

Music, competition, a powerful goal, being out in the fresh air?

Know yourself, and use what moves you to get yourself moving.

I like listening/watching motivating videos on Youtube to get me going when I’m reluctant to work out. (Just type in “motivating videos” and you’ll find a whole bunch.)

But I also love a good, challenging goal like a running event.

What about you?

What will get you off the chair/sofa/bed and into your workout clothes/running shoes/out the door?

Think about it, and decide what you’ll use to motivate you.

3. The more we get together…

Get one friend, two buddies, or a group of great people together.

Chances that you’ll stick to a workout increase exponentially when you don’t do it alone.

But of course, you know yourself best, so choose an activity you like to do first, then find your people.

Get motivated by training with a group for a 5K run, joining a yoga class, going rock-climbing with a couple of your best friends, or speed-walking with a neighbor.

Or do a 15-minute workout with your partner, tween, or even your mutt.

4. Count your every move

So if you usually park close to work, take the elevator, or drive to the corner store then you’ve got opportunity.

Because every move you make is exercise.

Adding just a few extra minutes a day of movement, like taking the stairs when you usually take the elevator, will make a difference.

So take a look at you daily routine and see where you can get more movement in.

Can you bike to work? Walk to the store for a few things? Even stand instead of sit?

Sitting for hours during the day is one of the biggest obstacles most of us face to getting healthier.

Getting up more often during the day will help to counteract the negative effects of sitting (which some say amounts to the same as smoking. Yikes!)

So, what can you start doing to get more movement in DAILY?

Let me know in the comments below!

Helping you and other women get moving more is my labour of love.

So if you need help finding the right types of exercise, or planning your routine, then I’m here for you as a trainer/coach.

You know where to find me.

Keep moving forward my friend,


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