Making lunch plain and simple

What are you eating for lunch these days?

If you work outside your home full time, brown bagging your lunch can be super beneficial in many more ways than one.

The key to a successful brown-bagged lunch is to keep it plain and simple.

Because you don’t want to spend a tonne time and effort planning and preparing it.

And so I’m a big cheerleader for eating the same lunch every day.


The same lunch, every day.

Continue reading “Making lunch plain and simple”

The skinny on eating fat

As a kid or young adult growing up in the late seventies and eighties, you witnessed the birth of “low-fat/no-fat” foods.

It was the beginning of the fight against fatness.

It’s when we decided that fat was making us fat.

And, on the surface, that theory sounds pretty plausible.

But hundreds of studies later, it’s very clear that fat isn’t responsible for making us fat.

Continue reading “The skinny on eating fat”

Why you need more silly in your life

Last weekend I taught a kids’ Yoga class…

To a group of adults.

This is about the fifth year that I give this one-off class at my Yoga teacher’s studio (I introduced you to my teacher Helene in my video post “What’s a Yoga Therapist?“)

Each year, as her Yoga teacher training is coming to a close, she invites me to demonstrate kids’ Yoga to her newest batch of Yoga teachers.

Because kids’ Yoga isn’t adult Yoga.

Continue reading “Why you need more silly in your life”