Why get a coach?

As you probably already know, I’m a coach.

Specifically I’m a health and life coach working mostly with women who want to lose belly fat caused by the changing hormones of menopause.

And I know the power of coaching.

Because aside from being a coach, I’ve been coached at various times in my life.

I’ve had swimming coaches, running coaches, and life coaches.

There are all kinds of coaches out there.

Business coaches, financial coaches, golf coaches, football coaches…

The list is long.

And I honestly believe that having a coach is the most direct and effective way to get the results you want.

No, they don’t do the work for you, but they’re beside you every step of the way.

Here are some good reasons why I think getting a coach is the way to go:

1. A coach focuses on you as a whole person, without judgment

Your coach listens to you and as such, gets to know you as a whole person.  They get to understand how all the pieces of your life are working together (or not.)  And they’re trained to do this without judgment.

Each client I see isn’t just another woman who wants to lose weight. 

She’s someone with a full-time career, a family to care for, who experiences financial burdens, difficult moments, and bad hair days. 

She’s a whole person.

So as her coach, even though her issue might be overeating, I know it’s not just a food issue… It’s a dealing-with-all-aspects-of-her-life issue.

2. A coach helps you create your vision and your goals

Weight loss and getting in shape are not really goals. 

They’re not specific; you won’t know when you’ve attained them; and they have no timeline. 

So your coach will help you define in more detail what you really want, and will help you set timelines on getting there.

I get my clients to dig deep into why they want what they say they want.

Sometimes it’s really surprising what they discover.

And from there, they can come up with a true vision and the goals to get them there.

3. A coach helps you identify your blind spots

We all have things that we do that we don’t notice until someone else points them out.  A coach is really good at helping you see what you’re not seeing.

A lot of times clients I work with aren’t aware of their hunger or why they’re eating.

As their coach, I can help them understand what is going on with their relationship with eating and food.

4. A coach gives you accountability

With your coach you’ll set certain objectives each time you meet, and your coach is expecting to hear about your accomplishments at your following meeting.  

In this way, you’ll feel more responsible for getting things done knowing that someone else, besides you, is counting on you.

Sometimes this alone makes all the difference with my clients.

Knowing that I’m there, interested in their progress, they often feel compelled to get the work done.

5. A coach gives you tools and ideas

Because your coach has experience in the area they’re coaching you in, they have tools that can help you. They can also help you brainstorm creative ideas for reaching your goals.

As a fitness/nutrition/life coach, I understand a lot about weight loss, fat and muscle, food, eating habits, and various forms of exercise. 

And I also know a lot about hormones and woman’s changing body through menopause.

With that knowledge, I’ve got tools to help take my clients step by step towards their goals.

And I can also help them come up with unique solutions for their unique circumstances.

6. A coach gives you valuable feedback

Your coach is on your side, she wants you to succeed, so she’ll give you honest feedback to help you get better results.

With my clients, I want them to stay accountable and give me regular updates between coaching calls.

And in turn, I give them feedback on what they’ve accomplished, struggled with, or point out where they could make things better or easier on themselves.

Feedback helps you feel heard and supported.

7. A coach celebrates your successes with you

Your coach is there every step of the way, through thick and thin.  So, when you succeed, she feels just as excited about it as you.  She knows what your success means to you.

When my clients reach their goals, it’s the best feeling!

I feel their excitement, their relief, their joy.

And this, to me, is the best part of being a coach.

Have you ever had a COACH that made a difference in your life?

I’d love to hear about your experiences with being coached, please leave a COMMENT below.

If you’re interested in being coached, and want to know more about the coaching I offer, check out the details of my 6-Week Coaching Program.

And of course, reach out and ask me questions anytime!

Keep moving forward,
