One small thing that can get you big results

So, I got this question a few days ago.

I was asked if I could tell, in advance, if a client would succeed at reaching their goal.

My first thought was, “No, I can’t”

But then the question stuck in my head.

Mostly because I really don’t like the words “I can’t”. and also because it was just a really good question.

With all the clients I’ve had over the years, maybe there was a common thread that could predict success.

This really got me thinking.

And when I think, I write.

So I sat down and wrote out all the many qualities that I noticed in my clients who were the most successful at reaching their goals.

It was a significant list, but there was one quality that stood out.

One above all the others.

And I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s the greatest predictor of their success, and maybe all success.

It’s this:

They keep showing up.

No matter what, they simply keep showing up.

Like all of us, they have good days and bad days, even bad weeks and months.

But somehow they keep getting back up again and moving forward.

And I believe it’s this unwavering consistency that allows them to successfully make the changes they want to make.

So, each day, they know what they have to do and, even if it’s small and even if some days they don’t feel like it, they do it.

Even when time is tight, life is messy, and the coaching homework isn’t done, they still show up.

No excuses (or very few.)

They’re not perfect.

And for sure, sometimes they get off track.

They may feel angry with themselves, or even feel some shame when they admit it to me.

But, although they experience these negative feelings, they release them pretty quickly and don’t define themselves by their worst day.

Because they know where they’re going, and they expect the road to getting there won’t always smooth and straight.

I’m in awe and I’m grateful for the women who’ve shown me how to be unwaveringly consistent.

Showing up every time, no matter what.

You and I can do this too.

It works with pretty much anything you really want to get done:

Weight loss, improving a strained relationship, learning a new skill, being a great parent, quitting a bad habit, …

Where do you want to be unwaveringly consistent to get results in your life?

I’d love to know, just tell me in the comments below.

Keep moving forward,


P.S. Are you ready? I’ve got 2 coaching spots open if you want to work on your unwavering consistency and get your goal done. I’d love to help you make the most of 2020 🙂

Just email or text me at 1-514-445-6434