Presence for Mother’s Day

Here in Canada, this Sunday is Mother’s Day.

I know for some, it’s just a commercial holiday.

But for a lot of us, it’s a day we spend time with our moms and families.

Or we take time to remember those moms in our lives that have passed.

In my case, it’s the one day each year that I go visit my mom’s grave.

And I bring her a single flower…

A bird of paradise.


It was her favorite.

Just three years before she passed away, my brothers and I surprised my parents with plane tickets to Hawaii for their 25th wedding anniversary.

Continue reading “Presence for Mother’s Day”

Getting organized for better health

Have you ever watched “Get Organized with The Home Edit” on Netflix?

I’m obsessed!

Although I’ve never been an organization freak, this show makes me want to be one.

Seeing the home spaces they organize, so beautifully arranged by function and color, just makes me feel good.

And, on the flip-side, I know that when I see cluttered and chaotic spaces in my house, I don’t feel good.

It feels like total overwhelm and sadness.

It stresses me.

And you know, if you’ve been reading my posts, that stress is a huge barrier to weight loss, fitness, and a healthier life.

So, just by organizing your environment you can feel better, in every way.

But organizing isn’t just about your home environment.

Continue reading “Getting organized for better health”