How to stay stuck where you are

Maybe we could all write the book on this one.

So many of us are masters of staying stuck.

And we wish we weren’t.

Personally, I’ve been stuck in jobs, relationships, feeling guilty, feeling shame,…

It’s always a journey getting unstuck… and it’s where I’ve done most of my growing.

But, if you’d like to continue staying exactly where you are, just keep doing one or all of the following…

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Perimenopause is more than just hot flashes

Before hitting perimenopause, around 45, the only things I really knew about menopause were hot flashes…

And not having a period anymore.

Honestly, both these things sounded pretty good to me.

First because I was freezing most of the time.

And no period? Where do I sign up???

However, with five years of peri under my belt (literally) and learning a lot more about perimenopause and others’ experiences, I know that it’s much more than this.

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