What’s going on with your THYROID?

Finally, I’m addressing this topic today!

I realize I haven’t yet written a post specifically about the THYROID GLAND.

Yet it plays a huge role in our health and well-being.

Especially for us ladies in mid-life and later.

And lately, I’ve noticed something really concerning.

At least half of my clients have a THYROID condition.

And for most of them it’s a form of hypothyroidism, called Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.

Hypothyroidism is basically a slowing down of the functioning of the throid.

So, I’ve been looking more deeply into hypothyroidism, and Hashimoto’s in particular.

First, because I want to help my clients who are living with this dis-ease.

And second, I also want to get the word out, and raise awareness.

Because Hashimoto’s is so incredibly common.

And part of me wonders if it constitutes and epidemic.

But let’s start at the beginning…

Continue reading “What’s going on with your THYROID?”

Using the “Rules for Being Human” to live by

Have you ever come across this list of “Rules for Being Human?”

It’s unclear who wrote it, or how long ago.

But I think they’re genius.

To me, they really break down the human experience.

And attempt to explain how life as a human really works.

I think we all intuitively know these things, but when we read them consciously, they can change the way we look at ourselves, and life itself.

Here they are:

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How to get up off the couch

Many times the problem isn’t choosing what to do.

The problem is choosing to do anything at all.

It feels like you’re stuck on the couch.

It’s not true of course, you’re free to get up and move.

But what’s happening is you’re feeling a complete lack of motivation, inspiration, desire,…

It feels like all emotion has left your body, and all you feel is empty and numb.

And part of you wants to feel numb.

It seems easier than doing something, and feeling something.

Numb feels neutral.

Except it’s not.

Continue reading “How to get up off the couch”