How to set up your environment for success

So this week’s blog post is actually a vlog post.

Unfortunately my written post disappeared into the ether, and thus the vlog was born.

Enjoy this special video post on SHAPING THE PATH to create great habits.

It’s one of the most powerful ways to do it.

And by the way, the book by Dan and Chip Heath is called “Switch” and it’s available on Amazon.

If you need help creating an easier path to your new habits, I’ve got you covered.

You can always book a time to talk with me, and you can find out more about working with me in my 6-month coaching program.

Until next time, keep moving forward,



Guess what?

When I went to publish this vlog post… My blog post reappeared!!

Here’s the original written version, if you’re curious…

How to set up your environment for success

Do you want to lose belly fat or weight or get healthier?

Then it’s time to take will-power out of the equation.

Will-power is limited, and won’t get you a lifestyle that lasts.

There’s a much better way.

Years ago I read a book called “Switch,” by Dan and Chip Heath.

They study human behavior, and they came up with the concept of the rider, the elephant, and the path.

Their philosophy is that to create habit change, you need to direct the rider, motivate the elephant, and shape the path.

All three are essential.

So, the RIDER is your conscious, logical mind.

It’s the mind that says, “I’m cutting out all sugar,” or “I’m exercising every day!”

It’s got great ideas, and gives direction.

But it has to be able to motivate the elephant in that direction, too.

The ELEPHANT is your subconscious, emotional, habitual mind.

It’s the mind that says, “What’s the harm in eating just a little sugar, I’ve been good all week,” or “I’m tired, I don’t feel like working out today.”

The ELEPHANT is big, heavy, strong, and slow to change direction.

It can be tough for the RIDER to overcome the power of the ELEPHANT.

However, there are some simple ways, and I’ve talked about many of them in this blog over the years.

Things like…

  • Breaking down your goals into smaller, easier steps
  • Working on one habit at a time
  • Getting emotional about your goals
  • Creating affirmations…

But today I want to talk to you about the PATH.

Shape the PATH

The PATH is your environment.

And when you’re creating new habits, creating a PATH of least resistance is key.

(Or, when trying to break a “bad” habit, creating a PATH of most resistance is key.)

For example, if you want to cut out sugar, then you want to make access to sugar difficult.

So, you want to create a path of most resistance to sugar.

To accomplish that, the best thing to do is not buy foods with added sugar.

Problem solved.

You’ve created a PATH of MOST RESISTANCE to accessing sweet treats.

The resistance is that you’d actually have to spend time and effort to leave your house and get them.

(Or you could also UberEats them, in which case the resistance would be price.)

On the other hand, you’ve also created a PATH of LEAST RESISTANCE to making better food choices.

Now, there’s no longer a choice between the sweet treat and something else.

You’ve made the decision easier for yourself.

And that’s really the point of altering the PATH.

Many ways to shape the PATH

Of course, there are many ways to shape the PATH in the case of eliminating sugar.

And sometimes not having the item in your home is not an option.

So, in that case, you could…

  • Put the offending items in a difficult to reach location
  • Ask another family member to hide them
  • Make healthier food choices more visible, like having a bowl of grapes on the counter
  • Create a literal new path around your home so that you aren’t required to walk through the kitchen as much
  • Give yourself a consequence to eating sugar, like calling a friend or telling your coach – accountability here really helps!

I know I’ve been using a specific example of cutting sugar, which isn’t for everyone.

But you can apply this idea to any habit you want to create.

Shape the PATH to create any habit

So, for example….

  • If you want to work out in the morning, get your clothes ready the night before, leaving your shoes by the bed
  • If you want to meditate daily, set up a little meditation space and set a reminder on your phone
  • If you want to eat slower, put a 30-second hour-glass on your dining table and start it each time you take a bite
  • If you want to get outside for a walk each day, have your outdoor clothes available and accessible, and maybe have a podcast ready that you only listen to on your walks

You’re only limited by your creativity here.

Take some time to think of the habits you want to create, and then come up with two or three ideas that could facilitate the PATH.

Shaping the PATH can be one of the simplest ways to succesfully create a new habit.

How can you SHAPE THE PATH to the habit you want to create?

One of the most important part of my day, is my morning routine.

I get up at 5:30am, get dressed and ready, and meditate before most of the house gets up.

So, to shape the path, I…

  • set out my clothes the night before
  • have my journal and pen ready by my chair, for journaling after I meditate
  • as well as my airpods so that I can listen to my guided meditation

It’s simple, but it makes it easy to get up and get right into it.

I don’t have to chase anything down or think.

It’s all automatic now.

I hope you find a path that works for you, too.

Keep moving forward,


P.S. Do you want to shape new paths in your life? I can help you do that, and help make your healthy living goals so much easier. Let’s get started!