Creating powerful affirmations

It was Louise Hay that first introduced me to affirmations.

(Although it may also have been Stuart Smalley on SNL, but I digress.)

You can check out her many books of affirmations on Amazon or the Hay House website.

I’ve known about affirmations for years.

I’ve read about them, heard about them, even wrote some of them out, but never really applied them as a significant tool for change in my life.

So, obviously I wasn’t really convinced they would work.

But about a month ago, I was inspired to try them again.

Although I still wasn’t 100% in belief, I didn’t have anything to lose.

So, I wrote out 11 affirmations.

Each one felt significant to me, and reflected the way I really wanted to think and feel.

I started writing them every morning as part of my morning routine.

And then, my coach suggested I use an app called “ThinkUp.”

Using this app, I recorded each of my affirmations – with feeling in my voice.

The app then replayed the affirmations back to me, in my own voice.

It also added in some uplifting background music.


I have to say, it’s so powerful to hear your own voice saying these words you want to believe.

So, what exactly are affirmations and why practice them?

Affirmations are positive statements you practice in order to motivate, uplift, inspire, and energize your being.

And by practice, I mean write them down, listen to them, and say them out loud every day or even many times a day.

Basically, the purpose of doing this is to ultimately impress these ideas on your subconscious mind (that automatic part of our mind that feeds your actions and behaviors.)

And in time, it’s believed that the thoughts and behaviors you want to change will begin to shift.

Here are some examples of affirmations that I’ve been using that resonate with where I am right now (feel free to use them if they also resonate with you.)

  • “I am courageously and unapologetically myself.”
  • “I radiate confidence and passion.”
  • “My body is healthy, strong, and flexible.”
  • “My voice matters.”

And here are a few more affirmations that could be useful for weight loss and positive body image:

  • “I’m effortlessly losing weight and enjoying the journey.”
  • “I feel healthy, strong, and confident in my body.”
  • “I move with ease and I love being active.”
  • “I eat food that nourishes me in every way.”
  • “My body houses my soul, so I take care of my body every day.”

How can you create your own powerful affirmations?

I believe there are four ingredients to creating a powerful affirmation:

  • Use the present tense,
  • Write from the perspective of the person you want to be
  • Start with “I” or “my”
  • Make it short, specific, and positive

Now, writing them is one thing, but the most important part of the creation process is the feeling you bring to them.

Because just writing them out and hearing them isn’t going to cut it.

Been there, done that.

I’ve learned that the magic sauce is in feeling them, really feeling them, in your body.

That means getting emotional about them.

So, for example, I’ve been taking daily walks, listening to my affirmations on the app.

As I’m walking and listening, I feel my posture getting taller and more open, I smile, I feel good in my body, and sometimes I even get tears in my eyes.

When these things happen, I know I’m really feeling the words I wrote.

But sometimes, I don’t.

Sometimes I catch myself just writing them down or hearing them, but not really paying attention.

There’s no emotion.

The affirmations are in my head, but not in my heart or my body.

And I know, when I do that, the exercise will likely be useless.

Because I’m missing the magic sauce.

Will affirmations really work?

Yes, I believe they can be one of your most powerful tools of change.

If you practice them regularly, feel the emotions behind them, and believe them with your whole heart.

Not because of the words themselves.

But because of the new thoughts you’ll create from the new beliefs in your yourself and your abilities.

Which will lead to new, more positive feelings like motivation and inspiration.

Which will lead to new actions you’ll take because you’re coming from a place of feeling positive.

That’s when things will change.

It takes the whole cycle.

Thoughts, feelings and action.

Then results happen.

And actually, in the past month, I’ve noticed my own results.

My business has grown significantly, I’ve done a lot more for my own self-care and well-being, and I’m feeling so much more positive about the future.

And I attribute these shifts – shifts that I was aiming for – in great part, to the addition of affirmations to my daily routine.

I learned that just doing things doesn’t create results that stick around.

Taking action without the support of thoughts and feelings isn’t anchored.

That kind of action looks like gritting your teeth to get it done.

Instead, root your action with affirmations.

Affirmations will transform your beliefs, and from those new beliefs, you can create results that are deeply rooted.

So, who do you want to be?

Create an affirmation on that (- share it in the comments if you’d like!)

And start practicing it, loving it, and becoming it.

Keep moving forward my friend,


P.S. My coaching practice is growing, and I’d love to work with you if you’re truly ready for a change – lose belly fat, get stronger, balance your hormones, gain confidence in your body, and take control of your health – body and mind.

If that sounds like you, or someone you know, book a FREE consultation session with me or email me at